Sandbox Tests
To check error messages, there are specific amounts in the sandbox that will trigger set error messages. You can test these errors using the following values:
Property | Value | Error Message |
amount | 16.95 | "Nightly_Updates" - Transaction is saved as Initiated and retried after nightly maintenance |
amount | 16.97 | "Amount_Exceeds_Balance" - Transaction is saved as Initiated and retried. Error is sent through email alert. |
amount | 16.98 | "Invalid Source Account." |
amount | 16.99 | "Core System downstream error. Wire not created." |
amount | > 17.00 and <= 18.00 | "Wire Amount will exceed Account Daily Total Amount Limit. Wire not created." |
amount | > 18.00 and <= 19.00 | "Wire Amount Exceeds Limit for the Wire Account. Wire not created." |
amount | > 19.00 and <= 20.00 | "Wire Amount will exceed Company Daily Total Limit. Wire not created." |
amount | > 20.00 | "Wire Amount exceeds Company Wire Amount Limit. Wire not created." |
amount | 12.91 | Initial transaction status will be "Initiated" and status will resolve to "Complete" when triggered by a /transfer-to/wire/query request. When the status resolves, the webhook will be called if applicable and a "Complete" status returned. If no webhook was included in the request, you can also use /transfer-to/wire/query a second time to check the status resolution. |
amount | 12.92 | Initial transaction status will be "Initiated" and status will resolve to "Declined" when triggered by a /transfer-to/wire/query request. When the status resolves, the webhook will be called if applicable and a "Declined" status returned. If no webhook was included in the request, you can also use /transfer-to/wire/query a second time to check the status resolution. |
bankABANumber | "110000000" | "ABA Number is not in Wire ABA file" |
bankABANumber | "120000000" | "The receiving DFI is not a Funds Transfer Bank" |
beneficiary.addressLine1 | "P.O. Box 123" | "Request Errors. See Detail for more information. BeneficiaryInformation.BeneficiaryAddress.addressLine1 appears to be a P.O. Box." |