Initiated |
A /transfer-to/bills/initiate request has successfully created the bill transaction entity and returned the cFiTransactionId that was created. |
Processing |
A /transfer-to/bills/execute request has successfully updated the bill transaction entity and registered it to be executed. |
Sent |
Multiple times a day, connectFi will validate, package, and send files containing all of the unsent bill transactions that have been registered for execution. A bill transaction with a "Sent" status has successfully been sent for payment. |
Complete |
A "Complete" status indicates that connectFi has received a response that the payment request was received successfully. |
Settled |
A "Settled" status indicates that connectFi has received a response that the funds were successfully deposited to the biller's account at the receiving bank. |
Declined |
A "Declined" status indicates that connectFi has received a response that the payment failed or was returned. |
Cancelled |
A "Cancelled" status indicates that you (the client) cancelled the transaction when it was in an "Initiated" or "Processing" status (before packaging and sending). |
DecryptError |
A "DecryptError" status indicates that there was an error with the encryption interface (for PAN transactions only). Contact support for next steps. |
Unknown |
An "Unknown" status indicates that connectFi has received an unexpected response and a manual review will need to take place. Please contact support. |