Error Examples
Error Description | Parameters/Request Body | Response Body |
400 customer/init - customerExists | REQUEST BODY { "customerReference": "ExtRefICust100", "customerType": "individual", "customer": { "firstName": "Janice", "lastName": "Sample", "gender": "M", "email": "aa@aa.aa", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "5556667777" } ], "dateOfBirth": "1969-08-04", "citizenshipCountryCodeA3": "USA", "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 1", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ], "identificationDocuments": [ { "type": "SSN", "value": "666989698", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA" }, { "type": "DRIVING LICENSE", "value": "PA99999999", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA", "issuanceRegion": "PA", "expiryDate": "2029-12-28" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9b2de13078d011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "customerExists", "context": { "cFiAggregatorId": "CLIENTID", "customerId": "cstap_tMxNtJcmdJjZJfAT4nzGO" }, "message": "Customer exists." } |
400 customer/init - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "customerReference": "ExtRefICust101", "customerType": "individual", "customer": { "firstName": "Janice", "lastName": "Sample", "gender": "M", "email": "aa@aa.aa", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "5556667777" } ], "dateOfBirth": "1969-08-04", "citizenshipCountryCodeA3": "USA", "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 1", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ], "identificationDocuments": [ { "type": "SSN", "value": "666989698", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA" }, { "type": "DRIVING LICENSE", "value": "PA99999999", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA", "issuanceRegion": "PA", "expiryDate": "2029-12-28" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "fdc60d9078d011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "ExtRefICust101", "entityId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 customer/init - requestValidateError - Individual Customer field over max length | REQUEST BODY { "customerReference": "ExtRefICust102", "customerType": "individual", "customer": { "firstName": "Janice", "lastName": "Sampleddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddddddddd", "gender": "M", "email": "aa@aa.aa", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "5556667777" } ], "dateOfBirth": "1969-08-04", "citizenshipCountryCodeA3": "USA", "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 1", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ], "identificationDocuments": [ { "type": "SSN", "value": "666989698", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA" }, { "type": "DRIVING LICENSE", "value": "PA99999999", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA", "issuanceRegion": "PA", "expiryDate": "2029-12-28" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "1c9970e078d111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/customer/lastName", "schemaPath": "#/definitions/lastName/maxLength", "keyword": "maxLength", "params": { "limit": 50 }, "message": "must NOT have more than 50 characters" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "businessRepresentatives" }, "message": "must have required property 'businessRepresentatives'" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 customer/init - requestValidateError - Business Customer with not allowed customerType | REQUEST BODY { "customerReference": "ExtRefBCust101", "customerType": "otherType", "customer": { "businessName": "AWSM BRAND MANAGEMENT INC", "businessFederalEin": "123456800", "businessPhones": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "5556667777" } ], "businessAddresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 7", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ] }, "businessRepresentatives" : [ { "firstName": "JOLEEN", "lastName": "KAPSCH", "gender": "F", "businessRepresentativeType" : "principal_owner", "email": "aa@aa.aa", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "5556667777" } ], "dateOfBirth": "1978-10-15", "citizenshipCountryCodeA3": "USA", "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 7", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ], "identificationDocuments": [ { "type": "SSN", "value": "666989698", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA" }, { "type": "DRIVING LICENSE", "value": "PA1234567890123456", "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA", "issuanceRegion": "PA", "expiryDate": "2029-12-28" } ] } ] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "18fea7d078da11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "businessRepresentatives" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "/customerType", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/properties/customerType/enum" , "keyword": "enum", "params": { "allowedValues": [ "business" ] }, "message": "must be equal to one of the allowed values" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
undefined Successful Response for Business Customer with Business Representative | REQUEST BODY { "customerId": "cstab_7if6p0Vd3gAwQvu11lnEvU", "customer": { "businessPhones": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "5556667777" } ], "businessAddresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "789 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "Suite 10", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ] }, "businessRepresentatives": [ { "id": "cstab_7if6p2AfvyK19V1WCtjhOW", "email": "new.est123@email.test", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "phoneNumber": "3456789120", "countryDialingCode": "01" } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 7", "city": "Harrisburg", "countryCodeA3": "USA", "postalCode": "12345", "stateCode": "PA" } ] } ] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "code": "0", "data": { "reference": "222232331756", "customerId": "cstab_7if6p0Vd3gAwQvu11lnEvU", "customerType": "business", "customer": { "businessName": "AWSM BRAND MANAGEMENT INC", "businessFederalEin": "123456789", "businessAddresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "789 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "Suite 10", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ], "businessPhones": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "5556667777" } ] }, "boises": [], "dtsCreatedAt": "2024-01-03T16:27:07.001Z", "businessRepresentatives": [ { "id": "cstab_7if6p2AfvyK19V1WCtjhOW", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "vouched_match", "gender": "M", "dateOfBirth": "1978-10-15T00:00:00.000Z", "businessRepresentativeType": "principal_owner", "email": "new.est123@email.test", "citizenshipCountryCodeA3": "USA", "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 7", "city": "Harrisburg", "countryCodeA3": "USA", "postalCode": "12345", "stateCode": "PA" } ], "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "phoneNumber": "3456789120", "countryDialingCode": "01" } ], "identificationDocuments": [] } ], "employees": [] }, "requestId": "81ce938000be11ef98aa084523b20412" } |
400 customer/update - requestValidateError - Must match format | REQUEST BODY { "customerId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN", "customer": { "email": "abc123def4test.test", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567890" }, { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567891" } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 8", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "04cdde5078d211eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/customer/email", "schemaPath": "#/definitions/email/format", "keyword": "format", "params": { "format": "email" }, "message": "must match format \"email\"" } ] } |
400 customer/update - requestValidateError - Must not have additional properties | REQUEST BODY { "customerId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN", "customer": { "email": "abc123def4@test.test", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567890" }, { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567891" } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 8", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ], "someAdditionalProperty": "value" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "c653578078d211eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/customer", "schemaPath": "#/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "someAdditionalProperty" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" } ] } |
400 customer/update - requestValidateError - Must not have fewer than 1 items | REQUEST BODY { "customerId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN", "customer": { "email": "abc123def4@test.test", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567890" }, { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567891" } ], "addresses": [ ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "919a63c081a711ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/customer/addresses", "schemaPath": "#/minItems", "keyword": "minItems", "params": { "limit": 1 }, "message": "must NOT have fewer than 1 items" } ] } |
400 customer/update - customerUpdateFieldInvalid | REQUEST BODY { "customerId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN", "customer": { "email": "abc123def4@test.test", "businessPhones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567890" }, { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567891" } ], "businessAddresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 8", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "5c34a6a081a711ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "customerUpdateFieldInvalid", "context": { "field": "businessPhones", "customerId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN", "customerType": "individual" }, "message": "An invalid field for this customer type is present." } |
400 customer/update - customerUpdateStatus - Wrong KYC status for requested action | REQUEST BODY { "customerId": "cstap_65WuvldNFlFR1aJ0mT0wdY", "customer": { "email": "abc123def4@test.test", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567890" }, { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "1234567891" } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "apt 8", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "2857b6f081a811ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "customerUpdateStatus", "context": { "customerId": "cstap_65WuvldNFlFR1aJ0mT0wdY", "kycStatus": "WAITING_DATA" }, "message": "Customers can only be updated if KYC status is empty or APPROVED." } |
400 customer/update - requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "customer": { "businessPhones": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "3333333333" } ], "businessAddresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "789 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "Suite 10", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "054234e078db11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "customerId" }, "message": "must have required property 'customerId'" } ] } |
400 customer/update - customerNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "customerId": "unknownCustomerId", "customer": { "businessPhones": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "countryDialingCode": "01", "phoneNumber": "3333333333" } ], "businessAddresses": [ { "type": "PRIMARY", "addressLine1": "789 Main Str.", "addressLine2": "Suite 10", "city": "Harrisburg", "stateCode": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCodeA3": "USA" } ] } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "1609191078db11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "customerNotFound", "context": { "customerId": "unknownCustomerId" }, "message": "Customer not found." } |
400 customer/status/:customerId - customerNotFound | PARAMETERS customerId:unknownCustomerId [required] |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "1a13023078d311eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "customerNotFound", "context": { "customerId": "unknownCustomerId" }, "message": "Customer not found." } |
400 customer/add-employee - customerNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "companyId": "cstab_7BX5DO49J48VeWKsJ6gWNb", "position": "Engineer 1", "employeeId": "unknownPersonalcFiCustomerId" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "581199807fe911ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "customerNotFound", "context": { "customerId": "unknownPersonalcFiCustomerId" }, "message": "Customer not found." } |
400 customer/add-employee - requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "companyId": "cstab_7BX5DO49J48VeWKsJ6gWNb", "position": "Engineer 1" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "89501b207fe911ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "employeeId" }, "message": "must have required property 'employeeId'" } ] } |
400 customer/add-employee - customerType | REQUEST BODY { "companyId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN", "position": "Engineer 1", "employeeId": "cstap_5XVGshc9neQlcWlslzN8H0" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "663f572081a811ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "customerType", "context": { "customerId": "cstap_6reGTr3k8vpAu8uFV7EdiN", "customerType": "individual" }, "message": "Customer type is not supported for this action." } |
400 customer/disable-employee - customerNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "companyId": "cstab_7BX5DO49J48VeWKsJ6gWNb", "employeeId": "unknownEmployeeCFiCustomerId" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "56b76b407fea11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "customerNotFound", "context": { "customerId": "unknownEmployeeCFiCustomerId" }, "message": "Employee with customerId: (unknownEmployeeCFiCustomerId) was not found for this business customer." } |