Make generic payments to previously defined beneficiaries using a POST request to /remittance/:AFiRemittanceId
or make credit card payments to a credit card account identified by a destinationAccountId in the request body of a /remittance/creditCardPayment
request. The resulting payment is also referred to as a transaction or transfer.
Transaction Object
The ampliFi API represents a transaction by a JSON object. Some of the properties of this object depend on the transaction type for that beneficiary. Common properties that may appear in a transaction object are shown in the following table.
Property | Description | Schema | Example Values |
AFiUserId | ID of the current user | string | "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc" |
transactionId | ampliFi ID for the transaction | string | "qwetrna2bdqmoevbpnvdkngosrzzdqqblk" |
accountIdBO | Back-office account ID | string | "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9" |
transactionIdBO | The transaction ID in the back-office | string | "tx_5guiqmptrdf95" |
txnType | Type of transaction | string | "USA_wire" |
typeName | Type of transaction in ampliFi | string | null |
amount | The amount of the transaction | number | -0.01 |
debit | The debit amount | number | 0.01 |
credit | The credit amount | number | 0 |
currency | 3-letter currency code | string | "USD" |
narrative | A brief description | string | "Transfer to ACH Payee Account" |
stateId | The state code | number | 400 |
transactionState | The current status of the transaction | string | "confirmed" |
dtsValue | The date-time-stamp for the transaction | date | "2023-01-03T19:54:15.963+00:00" |
AFiCardId | ampliFi ID for the card | string | "qwegal8kgtmysmels" |
AFiAccountId | ampliFi ID for the account | string | "qwegal8kgtmysmels" |
isDeclined | true if declined | boolean | true or false |
isPending | true if pending | boolean | true or false |
isComplete | true if complete | boolean | true or false |
AFiBeneficiaryId | ampliFi ID of the beneficiary | string | "qwepgbenlge48etick" |
sourceAFiAccountId | ampliFi ID of source account | string | "qwegal8kgtmysmels" |
destinationAFiAccountId | ampliFi ID of the destination account | string | "qwegal8t06sn8thnb" |
debitTransactionId | ampliFi vID of the debit | string | "qwetrna2bdqmoevbpnvdkngosrzzdqqblk" |
creditTransactionId | ampliFi ID of the credit | string | null |
dtsRecorded | The date-time-stamp when the transaction was recorded | date | "2023-01-03T19:54:15.963+00:00" |
dtsCompleted | The date-time-stamp when the transaction was completed | date | "2023-01-03T19:54:15.963+00:00" |