Restrictions identify transaction types that are permitted, account types that can be used with these transaction types, and limits on minimum and maximum amounts or currency types.
Restriction Object
A restriction object may include the following properties:
Property | Description | Schema | Example |
restrictionName | The name of the restriction | string | "enable wires and ACH" |
description | A description of the restriction | string | "This restriction enables specified transactions |
txnTypes | The transaction types targeted by this restriction | array of strings | [ "USA", "USA_wire" ] |
transactionCurrencies | The transaction currencies targeted by this restriction | array of strings | [ "USD" ] |
toAmount | The "to" amount limit for this restriction, if any | number | 0.01 |
toAmountCurrency | The "to" amount currency | string | "USD" |
fromAmount | The "from" amount limit for this restriction, if any | number | 1000.00 |
fromAmountCurrency | The "from" amount currency | string | "USD" |
sourceAccount | The source account for the targeted transaction | object | see Source Account Object |
destinationAccount | The destination account for the targeted transaction | object | see Destination Account Object |
isAllowed | true if the targeted transaction is allowed | boolean | true or false |
isIgnoreRest | true if any restriction rules that may be applied after this rule should be ignored | boolean | true or false |
priority | A number that indicates the priority level of this restriction. Restrictions are sorted by priority in ascending order starting with 0 and applied one by one. If a rule applies, it overrides previously applied rules. | number | 0 |
Source Account Object
Property | Description | Schema | Example |
currency | The currency for the source account | string | USD" |
backOfficeId | The back-office ID of the source account | string | "evolve" |
Destination Account Object
Property | Description | Required? (default) | Schema |
currency | The currency for the destination account | string | USD" |
backOfficeId | The back-office ID of the destination account | string | "evolve" |