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Restrictions identify transaction types that are permitted, account types that can be used with these transaction types, and limits on minimum and maximum amounts or currency types.

Restriction Object

A restriction object may include the following properties:

Property Description Schema Example
restrictionName The name of the restriction string "enable wires and ACH"
description A description of the restriction string "This restriction enables specified transactions
txnTypes The transaction types targeted by this restriction array of strings [ "USA", "USA_wire" ]
transactionCurrencies The transaction currencies targeted by this restriction array of strings [ "USD" ]
toAmount The "to" amount limit for this restriction, if any number 0.01
toAmountCurrency The "to" amount currency string "USD"
fromAmount The "from" amount limit for this restriction, if any number 1000.00
fromAmountCurrency The "from" amount currency string "USD"
sourceAccount The source account for the targeted transaction object see Source Account Object
destinationAccount The destination account for the targeted transaction object see Destination Account Object
isAllowed true if the targeted transaction is allowed boolean true or false
isIgnoreRest true if any restriction rules that may be applied after this rule should be ignored boolean true or false
priority A number that indicates the priority level of this restriction. Restrictions are sorted by priority in ascending order starting with 0 and applied one by one. If a rule applies, it overrides previously applied rules. number 0

Source Account Object

Property Description Schema Example
currency The currency for the source account string USD"
backOfficeId The back-office ID of the source account string "evolve"

Destination Account Object

Property Description Required? (default) Schema
currency The currency for the destination account string USD"
backOfficeId The back-office ID of the destination account string "evolve"