Ibis Card Services Errors
Error Code | Label | Description | Context | Status |
ibisAllocatedCreditLimit | Set allocatedCreditLimit if and only if the card type is credit. |
The allocatedCreditLimit attribute is required for credit cards, but should not be present for debit cards. Context: reference - The external reference ID in your system cardtype - The type of card |
{ |
400 |
ibisCannotReverseError | Unable to reverse this transaction. | Reversals are currently only supported for card-to-card transactions. The reversal amount must be less than or equal to the transaction amount. Context: fundsContext - An object identifying the transaction |
{ |
400 |
ibisCardExpirationFormat | The cardExpDate format is invalid. | The cardExpDate attribute needs MMYY date format. |
undefined | 400 |
ibisProgramIdClosed | The requested card or account program is closed for opening new cards/accounts. |
Please use a valid, active card or account program ID. Context: programId - The requested card/account program |
{ |
400 |
ibisProgramNotSupported | The requested card or account program is not supported for this customer. |
Please use a valid, active card or account program ID. Context: programId - The requested card/account program customerType - The customer type |
{ |
400 |
ibisCardStatusError | Card has an error status. | Contact support regarding the status of this card. Context: cFiCardId - The card ID in connectFi reference - The external reference ID in your system error - Error message |
{ |
400 |
ibisFundsTransferNotFound | Funds transfer not found. | Check the funds transfer ID to make sure it is valid and exists. Context: fundsId - The cFiFundsId, reference ID, or arn for the transfer |
{ |
400 |
ibisCheckPinCardLocked | CheckPinCard method is locked | You have exceeded the maximum failed number of attempts to check the card PIN Context: cFiCardId - The card ID in connectFi maxAttempts - Maximum failed number of attempts to check until - Unlock time |
{ |
400 |
ibisVAccountOnly | Action not allowed for vAccount only accounts. |
This action is restricted to card accounts. Context: id - The account ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
ibisReissueError | Reissue with same card number not allowed when reasonCode is Lost/Stolen [3] or Fraud/Compromised [4]. |
Reissue with same card number not allowed when reasonCode is Lost/Stolen [3] or Fraud/Compromised [4]. Context: reasonCode - The reasonCode for the reissue attempt |
{ |
400 |
ibisSecondaryCardsNotSupported | Secondary cards not supported for this card program. |
Secondary cards not supported for this card program. Context: programId - The requested card/account program |
{ |
400 |
ibisActionNotAllowed | The requested action is not allowed. | The requested action is not allowed. | undefined | 400 |
ibisCustomerIdPrimaryCardMismatch | The customerId must equal customerId for the primary card. |
Check the primary card customerId and customerId for this request to ensure a valid match. Context: customerId - The customer ID in connectFi that was entered in the request |
{ |
400 |
extIbis | External ibis error | An error occurred in the ibis back office. | undefined | 400 |
ibisApplicationCreditWasGiven | Credit was given by previous application. | Must create new credit application to issue additional credit. Context: applicationId - The application ID in connectFi creditId - The previous credit ID creditBois - The back office that issued credit |
{ |
400 |
ibisApplicationCreditLimit | Credit limit in application is less than the requested credit limit. |
Requested credit limit must be less than or equal to the approved credit limit in the application. Context: applicationId - The application ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
ibisApplicationCurrencyMismatch | Currency in application does not match. | Currency in application does not match. Context: applicationId - The application ID in connectFi currency - The currency listed in the application |
{ |
400 |
ibisApplicationIdMismatch | The customerId does not match the customerId on the application. |
Check the customer ID and application ID to make sure they are a valid match. Context: customerId - The customer ID in connectFi applicationId - The application ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
ibisApplicationIsNotApproved | Application is not APPROVED. | Application must be APPROVED to perform this action. Context: applicationId - The application ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
ibisApplicationNotFound | Credit application not found. | Credit application not found. Context: applicationId - The application ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
ibisCardHolderIdMismatch | The cardHolderId must equal customerId for an individual customer. |
Check the cardHolderId and customerId for this request to ensure a valid match. Context: customerId - The customer ID in connectFi cardHolderId - The card holder ID |
{ |
400 |
ibisCardholderNotFound | Cardholder not found on this customer. | Check the cardHolderId to make sure it is valid and exists. Context: customerId - The customer ID in connectFi cardHolderId - The card holder ID |
{ |
400 |
ibisCardholderDisabled | Cardholder is disabled. | This action is not permitted. The requested cardholder has been disabled. Context: cardHolderId - The card holder ID |
{ |
400 |
Error Examples
Error Description | Parameters/Request Body | Response Body |
400 ibis/account/add Error Response - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "extIvAccount100" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9c8f024081ac11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "extIvAccount100" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 ibis/account/add Error Response - requestValidateError Missing required property for individual | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "da9d2a7078de11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "reference" }, "message": "must have required property 'reference'" } ] } |
400 ibis/debit-card/add Error Response - requestValidateError Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "extIDCrd100", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "JOLEEN KAPSCH" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "8fe3a6a078e111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "cardProgramId" }, "message": "must have required property 'cardProgramId'" } ] } |
400 ibis/debit-card/add Error Response - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "extIDCrd100", "cardProgramId": "d_gpr_test", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "JOLEEN KAPSCH" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "b52edf5081ac11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "extIDCrd100" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 ibis/debit-card/add Error Response - ibisProgramNotSupported | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "extIDCrd101", "cardProgramId": "unknownCardProgram", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "JOLEEN KAPSCH" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "ec3a0f1081ac11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisProgramNotSupported", "context": { "programId": "unknownCardProgram" }, "message": "The requested card or account program is not supported for this customer." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/application Error Response - requestValidateError Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "employer" : "Amazon", "totalAnnualIncomeCurrency" : "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "8186cf8078df11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "totalAnnualIncome" }, "message": "must have required property 'totalAnnualIncome'" } ] } |
400 ibis/credit-card/application Error Response - customerNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "unknownCustomerId", "employer" : "Amazon", "totalAnnualIncome" : 50000, "totalAnnualIncomeCurrency" : "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "d0aea29078df11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "customerNotFound", "context": { "customerId": "unknownCustomerId" }, "message": "Customer not found." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/application Error Response - currencyNotSupported | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "employer" : "Amazon", "totalAnnualIncome" : 50000, "totalAnnualIncomeCurrency" : "CUR" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "f22894d078df11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "currencyNotSupported", "context": { "supportedCurrency": "USD" }, "message": "Currency not supported." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/application/:applicationId Error Response - ibisApplicationNotFound | PARAMETERS applicationId:unknownApplicationId [required] |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "37c1338078e011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "ibisApplicationNotFound", "context": { "applicationId": "unknownApplicationId" }, "message": "Credit application not found." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - ibisApplicationIdMismatch | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "unknownCustomerId", "reference" : "ExtRefICC100", "cardProgramId": "Evolve_Test", "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 1500, "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "d9a71fc078e011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "ibisApplicationIdMismatch", "context": { "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "customerId": "unknownCustomerId" }, "message": "The customerId does not match the customerId on the application." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - ibisApplicationNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC100", "cardProgramId": "Evolve_Test", "applicationId": "unknownApplicationId", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 1500, "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "f848c4b078e011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "ibisApplicationNotFound", "context": { "applicationId": "unknownApplicationId" }, "message": "Credit application not found." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC100", "cardProgramId": "Evolve_Test", "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 1500, "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "7bcd470081ad11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "ExtRefICC100" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - ibisAllocatedCreditLimit | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC101", "cardProgramId": "d_gpr_test", "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 1500, "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "90d7ef6081ad11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisAllocatedCreditLimit", "context": { "reference": "ExtRefICC101", "cardtype": "debit" }, "message": "Set allocatedCreditLimit if and only if the card type is credit." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - ibisProgramNotSupported | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC103", "cardProgramId": "unknownCardProgram", "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 1500, "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "ae8214f081ad11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisProgramNotSupported", "context": { "programId": "unknownCardProgram" }, "message": "The requested card or account program is not supported for this customer." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - ibisApplicationCreditLimit | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC104", "cardProgramId": "Evolve_Test", "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 3000, //the customer's credit application was only approved for a limit of up to 2700. "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "d0cb652081ad11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisApplicationCreditLimit", "context": { "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "creditLimit": 2700 }, "message": "Credit limit in application is less than the requested credit limit." } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - extIbis value must be <= 2000.00 | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC106", "cardProgramId": "Evolve_Test", "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 2600, //In this example, the customer is requesting a card with a credit limit of 2600. Even though the requested credit limit of 2600 is less than the 2700 approved credit limit for this customer, it is over the allocated credit limit of 2000 for a single card. "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "f6101b0081ad11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "12", "context": { "transId": "F12593456", "fee": 0 }, "message": "New Card Purchase Decline (Allocated credit limit must be less than or equal to [2000.0]; )" } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - extIbis value must be >= 500.00 | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC101", "cardProgramId": "Evolve_Test", "applicationId": "gsa_6iIlCsrasyIr8iwwu7LK8N", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 100, "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "274daf20946e11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "12", "context": { "transId": "F12644415", "fee": 0 }, "message": "New Card Purchase Decline (Allocated credit limit must be greater than or equal to [500.0]; )" } |
400 ibis/credit-card/add Error Response - ibisApplicationIsNotApproved | REQUEST BODY { "customerId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference" : "ExtRefICC100", "cardProgramId": "Evolve_Test", "applicationId": "gsa_5rC64LkSF8irrMcUfhetsm", "profile" : { "occupation" : "Student", "nameOnCard" : "John Testman" }, "creditLimit": 1500, "creditLimitCurrency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "ca436840946f11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "ibisApplicationIsNotApproved", "context": { "applicationId": "gsa_5rC64LkSF8irrMcUfhetsm" }, "message": "Application is not APPROVED." } |
400 ibis/card/sync-profile Error Response - ibisCardHolderIdMismatch | REQUEST BODY { "customerId":"cstap_1pYermTdbHiQz8JKjF5m jo", "cFiCardId":"icrd_5faW7EovZjx7aC6dP6LFM6 ", "profile":{ "cardHolderId" : "NotMatchingCustomerId" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9d87c2b000b711ef98aa084523b20412", "code": "ibisCardHolderIdMismatch", "context": { "customerId": "cstap_1pYermTdbHiQz8JKjF5mjo", "cardHolderId": "NotMatchingCustomerId" }, "message": "The cardHolderId must equal customerId for an individual customer." } |
400 ibis/card/sync-profile Error Response - requestValidateError | REQUEST BODY { "customerId":"cstap_1pYermTdbHiQz8JKjF5m jo", "profile":{ "cardHolderId" : "cstap_1pYermTdbHiQz8JKjF5mjo" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "db10c82000b711ef98aa084523b20412", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "cFiCardId" }, "message": "must have required property 'cFiCardId'" } ] } |
400 ibis/card/sync-profile Error Response - ibisCardholderNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "customerId":"cstab_7if6p0Vd3gAwQvu11lnE vU", "cFiCardId":"icrd_7gFuMqvlhzUSzu8O6WSZea ", "profile":{ "cardHolderId" : "UnknownCardholderId" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "c3e8fd6000bd11ef98aa084523b20412", "code": "ibisCardholderNotFound", "context": { "customerId": "cstab_7if6p0Vd3gAwQvu11lnEvU", "cardHolderId": "UnknownCardholderId" }, "message": "Cardholder not found on this customer." } |
400 ibis/card/sync-profile Error Response - customerNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "customerId":"UnknownCustomerId", "cFiCardId":"icrd_7gFuMqvlhzUSzu8O6WSZea ", "profile":{ "cardHolderId" : "cstab_7if6p2AfvyK19V1WCtjhOW" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "f36c3a7000bd11ef98aa084523b20412", "code": "customerNotFound", "context": { "customerId": "UnknownCustomerId" }, "message": "Customer not found." } |
400 ibis/card/sync-profile Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "customerId":"cstab_7if6p0Vd3gAwQvu11lnE vU", "cFiCardId":"UnknownCardId", "profile":{ "cardHolderId" : "cstab_7if6p2AfvyK19V1WCtjhOW" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "2463ef1000be11ef98aa084523b20412", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "UnknownCardId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/card/activate Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_4Iex5dfzlnJWTYal2K5YQI" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "4b9e924081ae11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "icrd_4Iex5dfzlnJWTYal2K5YQI" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/card/activate Error Response - extIbis Card Already Active | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "57c2061081ae11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "97", "context": { "transId": "F2166100323", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Activate Debit Card Decline (Card is already active)" } |
400 ibis/card/activate Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "1d7f6a5081b411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "transId": "F12593460", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Activate Card Decline (Closed Card)" } |
400 ibis/card/set-pin Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "unknownId", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "5a11cd0081af11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/card/set-pin Error Response - requestValidateError Must match pattern | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "pin" : "1234abc" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "a434fce081af11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/pin", "schemaPath": "#/properties/pin/pattern", "keyword": "pattern", "params": { "pattern": "^\d{4}$" }, "message": "must match pattern \"^\d{4}$\"" } ] } |
400 ibis/card/set-pin Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "340010e081b411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "transId": "F12593461", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Set Card PIN Decline (Closed Card)" } |
400 ibis/card/set-pin Error Response - extIbis Blocked Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "6a37a78081b511ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "59", "context": { "transId": "F2166100370", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Set Card PIN Decline (Suspected Fraud Hit, Card is Already Blocked)" } |
400 ibis/card/set-pin Error Response - extIbis Inactive Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "440d5a9094a311eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SA", "context": { "transId": "F2166179163", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Set Card PIN Decline (Inactive Card)" } |
400 ibis/card/check-pin Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "unknownId", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "28b1b9a081af11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/card/check-pin Error Response - extIbis Invalid PIN | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "38273ea081af11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "55", "context": { "transId": "F2166100324", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Invalid PIN supplied for Card No(99***4135)" } |
400 ibis/card/check-pin Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "44e181f081b411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "transId": "F12593462", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Card Number(933301**9595) is closed" } |
400 ibis/card/check-pin Error Response - extIbis Blocked Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "7f500b8081b511ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "59", "context": { "transId": "F2166100371", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Card Number(99***5166) is blocked due to suspected fraud" } |
400 ibis/card/check-pin Error Response - extIbis Inactive Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "a5773cb081b611ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SA", "context": { "transId": "F2166100380", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Card Number(99***5166) is inactive" } |
400 ibis/card/check-pin Error Response - extIbis Pre-active Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_4RAy4xVeEKawTnwEnsg5Ym", "pin" : "1234" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "1d4289e0b62111eeaa76ffd7d3224a12", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "PA", "context": { "transId": "F12693552", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Card Number(933301**1195) is pre-active" } |
400 ibis/card/check-pin Error Response - requestValidateError Must Match Pattern | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "pin" : "1234abc" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "ee6d935094a411eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/pin", "schemaPath": "#/properties/pin/pattern", "keyword": "pattern", "params": { "pattern": "^\d{4}$" }, "message": "must match pattern \"^\d{4}$\"" } ] } |
400 ibis/card/status Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "unknownId" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "4e9dcbb081b211ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/card/status Error Response - requestValidateError Must Match Exactly 1 Schema | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "reference" : "extIDCrd100" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "2bda854094a511eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "reference" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "cFiCardId" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 ibis/card/set-status Error Response - requestValidateError Must Be an Allowed Value | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "statusCode" : "G" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "daa59d8081b311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/statusCode", "schemaPath": "#/properties/statusCode/enum", "keyword": "enum", "params": { "allowedValues": [ "I", "B", "S", "F" ] }, "message": "must be equal to one of the allowed values" } ] } |
400 ibis/card/set-status Error Response - extIbis Changing Status Not Allowed | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "statusCode" : "I" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "f1e01e3081b311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "57", "context": { "status": { "code": "I" }, "transId": "F12593458", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Set Card Status Decline (Changing card status from existing status to status (Inactive) is not allowed))" } |
400 ibis/card/get-auth-data Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId": "unknown_cFiCardId" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "d37bb6c021cc11ef8988df6356120fc8", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknown_cFiCardId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/card/get-auth-data Error Response - requestValidateError Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "0627840021cd11ef8988df6356120fc8", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "cFiCardId" }, "message": "must have required property 'cFiCardId'" } ] } |
400 ibis/card/cardholder-profile Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "5c4bc53081b411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "fee": 0, "lastDepositAmount": 0 }, "message": "Get Cardholder Profile Decline (Closed Card)" } |
400 ibis/card/cardholder-profile Error Response - requestValidateError Must Match Exactly 1 Schema | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "reference" : "extIDCrd100" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "718bfbc094a811eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "reference" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "cFiCardId" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 ibis/card/reissue Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "customerId": "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference": "extReI138", "profile": { "cardHolderId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI" }, "reissueType": "1", "reasonCode": "1", "cardShippingMethodId": "1", "activateNewCard": "N" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "0991601081b511ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "transId": "F12593467", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Update Profile (OFAC/AVS) Decline (Closed Card)" } |
400 ibis/card/reissue Error Response - extIbis Inactive Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "customerId": "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference": "extReI138", "profile": { "cardHolderId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI" }, "reissueType": "1", "reasonCode": "1", "cardShippingMethodId": "1", "activateNewCard": "N" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9a6ac1b081b711ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SA", "context": { "transId": "F2166100398", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Update Profile (OFAC/AVS) Decline (Inactive Card)" } |
400 ibis/card/reissue Error Response - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId" : "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "customerId": "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI", "reference": "extReI138", "profile": { "cardHolderId" : "cstap_7uvAC6nLftLGCq7yic3TfI" }, "reissueType": "3", "reasonCode": "3", "cardShippingMethodId": "1", "activateNewCard": "N" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "d8fcaba081b711ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "extReI138" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-credit Error Response - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtCFunds201", "cFiCardId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "description": "test trn", "amount": 5, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "fd6c941081b111ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "ExtCFunds201" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-credit Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtCFunds204", "cFiCardId": "unknownId", "description": "test trn", "amount": 5, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "901b205081b311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-credit Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtCFunds204", "cFiCardId": "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "description": "test trn", "amount": 5, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "70220c4081b411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "status": { "code": "F", "description": "Closed" }, "cardProgramName": "Evolve_Test_Updated", "transId": "F12593463", "arn": "0000000000000000002M", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Load Thru Web Service/Site Decline (Closed Card) from Network PaygearsCorporation" } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-credit Error Response - requestValidateError Amount must be > 0 | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtCFunds208", "cFiCardId": "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "description": "test trn", "amount": 0, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "68f8a1a094aa11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/amount", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/amount/exclusiveMin imum", "keyword": "exclusiveMinimum", "params": { "comparison": ">", "limit": 0 }, "message": "must be > 0" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/$merge", "keyword": "$merge", "params": {}, "message": "must pass \"$merge\" keyword validation" } ] } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-credit Error Response - currencyNotSupported | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtCFunds209", "cFiCardId": "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "description": "test trn", "amount": 5, "currency": "CND" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "8af642d094aa11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "currencyNotSupported", "context": { "supportedCurrency": "USD" }, "message": "Currency not supported." } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-debit Error Response - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtDFunds201", "cFiCardId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "description": "Paying bill", "amount": 2.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "de3d070081b111ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "ExtDFunds201" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-debit Error Response - extIbis Pre-active Card | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtDFunds202", "cFiCardId": "icrd_503QHOSIn3XGlLvoDKBPJ8", "description": "Paying bill", "amount": 2.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "2886dc4081b311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "PA", "context": { "status": { "code": "A", "description": "Card was issued but has not yet been activated" }, "cardPrgName": "Evolve_Test_Updated", "transId": "F12593457", "arn": "0000000000000000002L", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Manual Sig Based Cash Withdrawal Intl (with currency conversion) Decline (Pre-Active Card)" } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-debit Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtDFunds203", "cFiCardId": "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "description": "Paying bill", "amount": 2.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "88c4a87081b411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "status": { "code": "F", "description": "Closed" }, "cardPrgName": "Evolve_Test_Updated", "transId": "F12593464", "arn": "0000000000000000002N", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Manual Sig Based Cash Withdrawal Intl (with currency conversion) Decline (Closed Card)" } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-debit Error Response - extIbis Blocked Card | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtDFunds205", "cFiCardId": "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "description": "Paying bill", "amount": 2.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "c2bf3a8081b511ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "59", "context": { "status": { "code": "S", "description": "Blocked due to fraud" }, "cardPrgName": "GPR Card Program", "transId": "F2166100376", "arn": "0000000000000000002R", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Cash Withdrawal Decline (Suspected Fraud Hit, Card is Already Blocked)" } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-debit Error Response - extIbis Inactive Card | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtDFunds206", "cFiCardId": "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "description": "Paying bill", "amount": 2.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "1266cf7081b711ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SA", "context": { "status": { "code": "I", "description": "Inactive" }, "cardPrgName": "GPR Card Program", "transId": "F2166100393", "arn": "0000000000000000002T", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Cash Withdrawal Decline (Inactive Card)" } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-debit Error Response - extIbis Insufficient Funds | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtDFunds208", "cFiCardId": "icrd_575fma7wGFKTgSx537PMcO", "description": "Paying bill", "amount": 1000.00, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "0ccbb7e094ab11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "51", "context": { "status": { "code": "B", "description": "Open - All Transactions Allowed" }, "cardPrgName": "GPR Card Program", "transId": "F2166179244", "arn": "0000000000000000003a", "fee": 0, "balance": 22.5, "ledgerBalance": 22.5 }, "message": "Cash Withdrawal Decline (Insufficient Funds [22.5])" } |
400 ibis/financial/funds-debit Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtDFunds203", "cFiCardId": "unknownId", "description": "Paying bill", "amount": 2.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "7ea166e081b311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/financial/card-to-card Error Response - extIbis Minimum Initial Load | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtC2CFunds133", "cardFromId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "cardToId": "icrd_5Y3maHhGD2iEqZGEpN6jBg", "description": "Transfer to other card", "amount": 6.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "e2f3f4d081b011ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "57", "context": { "transId": "F2166100333", "arn": "0000000000000000002I", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Shortfall Currency Exchange Decline (To Card) (Parameter Violated {Minimum Initial Load})" } |
400 ibis/financial/card-to-card Error Response - extIbis Closed Card | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtC2CFunds151", "cardFromId": "icrd_szJpdjeg3oGh1xOg9sG30", "cardToId": "icrd_5jp4oVmXTH9siQNTouZ7vY", "description": "Transfer to other card", "amount": 10.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "dbeb477081b411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "SD", "context": { "transId": "F12593466", "arn": "0000000000000000002P", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Funds Transfer Decline (From Card) (Closed Card)" } |
400 ibis/financial/card-to-card Error Response - extIbis Error Amount Transfer Limit Violated | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtC2CFunds140", "cardFromId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "cardToId": "icrd_5Y3maHhGD2iEqZGEpN6jBg", "description": "Transfer to other card", "amount": 2000, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "bb126f1094ab11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "57", "context": { "transId": "F2166179247", "arn": "0000000000000000003b", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Shortfall Currency Exchange Decline (From Card) (Parameter Violated {Amount Transfer Limit})" } |
400 ibis/financial/card-to-card Error Response - extIbis Insufficient Funds | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtC2CFunds142", "cardFromId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "cardToId": "icrd_5Y3maHhGD2iEqZGEpN6jBg", "description": "Transfer to other card", "amount": 500, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "e7c91ea094ab11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "51", "context": { "fromCardBalance": "10.50", "transId": "F2166179249", "arn": "0000000000000000003d", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Shortfall Currency Exchange Decline (From Card) (Insufficient Funds [10.5])" } |
400 ibis/financial/card-to-card Error Response - extIbis Pre-active Card | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtC2CFunds147", "cardFromId": "icrd_3RV47sEV1eJNrOf7bJ4e1c", "cardToId": "icrd_1J6AH2R5nClcHlaKyGft98", "description": "Transfer to other card", "amount": 500, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "a13b7c2094ac11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "PA", "context": { "transId": "F2166179252", "arn": "0000000000000000003j", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Shortfall Currency Exchange Decline (From Card) (Pre-Active Card)" } |
400 ibis/financial/card-to-card Error Response - referenceExists | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ExtC2CFunds134", "cardFromId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "cardToId": "icrd_5Y3maHhGD2iEqZGEpN6jBg", "description": "Transfer to other card", "amount": 10.50, "currency": "USD" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "17e2ad3081b111ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "ExtC2CFunds134" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 ibis/financial/reversal Error Response - ibisCannotReverseError Only Card-to-Card | REQUEST BODY { "cFiFundsId": "ifnd_4jXUJouuxemJQoswE1FtfQ" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9baf7ae081b011ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisCannotReverseError", "context": { "fundsContext": { "entityId": "ifnd_4jXUJouuxemJQoswE1FtfQ", "entityStatus": "Complete", "reference": "ExtCFunds201", "aggregatorId": "CLIENTID", "cFiReference": "0000000000000000002F", "externalId": "F2166100330" } }, "message": "Can only reverse card to card transactions." } |
400 ibis/financial/reversal Error Response - ibisCannotReverseError Reversal Already Complete | REQUEST BODY { "cFiFundsId": "ifnd_k76YyY9Mk8IfBZwUpT2Uy" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "376626a081b111ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisCannotReverseError", "context": { "fundsContext": { "entityId": "ifnd_k76YyY9Mk8IfBZwUpT2Uy", "entityStatus": "Complete", "reference": "ExtC2CFunds134", "aggregatorId": "CLIENTID", "cFiReference": "0000000000000000002J", "externalId": "F2166100335" } }, "message": "Reversal status is already complete. Shortfall Currency Exchange" } |
400 ibis/financial/reversal Error Response - ibisFundsTransferNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiFundsId": "unknownId" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "6c1d907081b311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisFundsTransferNotFound", "context": { "fundsId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Funds transfer not found." } |
400 ibis/financial/retrieve Error Response - ibisFundsTransferNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiFundsId": "unknownId" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "b27a7b7081b111ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "ibisFundsTransferNotFound", "context": { "fundsId": "cFiFundsId=unknownId " }, "message": "Funds transfer not found." } |
400 ibis/financial/retrieve Error Response - requestValidateError Must Match Exactly 1 Schema | REQUEST BODY { "cFiFundsId": "ifnd_1BbJoybpUZYZRiTkAD4RZE", "reference": "ExtDFunds200" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9694c7d094ad11eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "reference" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "cFiFundsId" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/2/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "arn" }, "message": "must have required property 'arn'" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 ibis/inquiry/transaction-history Error Response - cardNotFound | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId": "unknownId", "dateFrom" : "2023-03-01", "dateTo" : "2025-05-02" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "6b855a0081b111ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 ibis/inquiry/transaction-history Error Response - requestValidateError Must Match Pattern | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "dateFrom" : "03-01-2023", "dateTo" : "2025-05-02" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "8e087ee081b111ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/dateFrom", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/dateOnly/pattern", "keyword": "pattern", "params": { "pattern": "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" }, "message": "must match pattern \"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$\"" } ] } |
400 ibis/inquiry/transaction-history Error Response - extIbis FromDate Greater Than ToDate | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCardId": "icrd_1qaR2QEPXIRKr4jOyjQkTw", "dateTo" : "2023-03-01", "dateFrom" : "2025-05-02" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "855bb71081b811ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extIbis", "subCode": "12", "context": { "transId": "F2166100475", "fee": 0 }, "message": "Get Transaction History Decline (FromDate is greater than ToDate in request)" } |