Toucan Push/Pull to Card Services Errors
Error Code | Label | Description | Context | Status |
toucanCannotReverseError | Unable to reverse this transaction. | Reversals are only available for pull transactions that are in a Pending or Completed status. Context: cFiTransactionId - The transaction ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
toucanPullNotAllowed | Pull transactions are not allowed for this card. |
Pull transactions are not allowed for this card. Context: cardId - A card ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
toucanPushNotAllowed | Push transactions are not allowed for this card. |
Push transactions are not allowed for this card. Context: cardId - A card ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
toucanSettlementAccountNotFound | Aggregator doesn't have toucanSettlementAccount attribute. |
Contact support to request toucanSettlementAccount attribute. Context: cFiAggregatorId - A cFiAggregatorId in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
toucanTransactionMethodsNotAllowed | Push and pull transactions are not allowed for this card. |
Push and pull transactions are not allowed for this card. |
undefined | 400 |
toucanClearCardNotRedacted | The account number for clearCard must be redacted. |
The account number for clearCard must be redacted. |
undefined | 400 |
Error Examples
Error Description | Parameters/Request Body | Response Body |
400 transfer-to/card/register referenceExists Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalCardId520", "card": { "encryptedData": "Snbx7y1UUwOjJ44jUA0OjHWz184mpK5dqaHGGHz QML7_d6FolgQ25VEq4UusvmSSMCziNF8h7wq2Gjz JXMO3YghuuYqIw_2VvObd0TevFnjfFGL30qMM8GY 2Q6BzRuXRdHMuy6qT4SPypJnDXbleHeEvjtzGSZ5 zLlYp9BboyKU0oFGmT0P-_j4TQ2AHSnOF17bM5AZ GkdKBzNBTLREKbMKev5ZF6ot1oAoeau9EldgOs74 vBiKhGoUKSIbJl5E9cOXUmWCrUriblStRQkA-JSU EhkuZnReOEM83VEeVvaHYVtcxXydpIo55ecPg6EO TMlO41UDu3dExos0ssOVSUg", "keyId": "je87i6-C2QJS7PHUAbJPqw" }, "owner": { "name": { "first": "John", "middle": "M", "last": "Doe", "suffix": "III" }, "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" } } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "3e259d6081aa11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "externalCardId520", "entityId": "tcrd_1PFqDxYiMmiTsSyNqgxmUO" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 transfer-to/card/register extToucan Error Invalid keyId | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalCardId522", "card": { "encryptedData": "Snbx7y1UUwOjJ44jUA0OjHWz184mpK5dqaHGGHz QML7_d6FolgQ25VEq4UusvmSSMCziNF8h7wq2Gjz JXMO3YghuuYqIw_2VvObd0TevFnjfFGL30qMM8GY 2Q6BzRuXRdHMuy6qT4SPypJnDXbleHeEvjtzGSZ5 zLlYp9BboyKU0oFGmT0P-_j4TQ2AHSnOF17bM5AZ GkdKBzNBTLREKbMKev5ZF6ot1oAoeau9EldgOs74 vBiKhGoUKSIbJl5E9cOXUmWCrUriblStRQkA-JSU EhkuZnReOEM83VEeVvaHYVtcxXydpIo55ecPg6EO TMlO41UDu3dExos0ssOVSUg", "keyId": "unknownKeyId" }, "owner": { "name": { "first": "John", "middle": "M", "last": "Doe", "suffix": "III" }, "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" } } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "5290aa6081aa11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extToucan", "subCode": 400, "context": { "errorCode": "3C3E1402" }, "message": "card.keyID" } |
400 transfer-to/card/register requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalCardId522", "owner": { "name": { "first": "John", "middle": "M", "last": "Doe", "suffix": "III" }, "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" } } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "63272fc081aa11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "card" }, "message": "must have required property 'card'" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/get requestValidateError - Must match pattern | PARAMETERS cardId: [required] |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "795728b0796f11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/cardId", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/id/pattern", "keyword": "pattern", "params": { "pattern": "^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$" }, "message": "must match pattern \"^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$\"" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/get cardNotFound Error | PARAMETERS cardId:unknownCardId [required] |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "865ee200796f11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownCardId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 transfer-to/card/push requestValidateError Must be greater than allowed minimum | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalTrnId0501", "cFiCardId": "tcrd_1AXvpht43m432u6UHpu07w", "amount": -1.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "39b58700797011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/amount", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/amount/exclusiveMin imum", "keyword": "exclusiveMinimum", "params": { "comparison": ">", "limit": 0 }, "message": "must be > 0" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/push requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalTrnId0500", "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "73babce0797011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "cFiCardId" }, "message": "must have required property 'cFiCardId'" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/push cardNotFound Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalTrnId0503", "cFiCardId": "unknownId", "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "4affa4f0797011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 transfer-to/card/push extToucan Error Transaction declined | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalTrnId0501", "cFiCardId": "tcrd_1AXvpht43m432u6UHpu07w", "amount": 100.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "bb9399a081aa11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extToucan", "context": { "status": "Declined", "cFiTransactionId": "CLIENTID_5HXZGb07tPwNttNbm57bOO", "cFiAggregatorId": "CLIENTID", "reference": "externalTrnId0501" }, "message": "Transaction Limit" } |
400 transfer-to/card/push referenceExists Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalTrnId0500", "cFiCardId": "tcrd_1AXvpht43m432u6UHpu07w", "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "cf489d1081aa11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "externalTrnId0500", "entityId": "CLIENTID_RWrsXBN7ICJcABIb58u9Y" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 transfer-to/card/push toucanSettlementAccountNotFound Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "externalTrnId0500", "cFiCardId": "tcrd_1AXvpht43m432u6UHpu07w", "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "UT", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9794d220684c11ee8df9d847b134c812", "code": "toucanSettlementAccountNotFound", "context": { "cFiAggregatorId": "amplifi" }, "message": "Aggregator doesn't have toucanSettlementAccount attribute." } |
400 transfer-to/card/pull requestValidateError - Must be greater than allowed minimum | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ext2TnId25901", "cFiCardId": "tcrd_1AXvpht43m432u6UHpu07w", "amount": -10.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "cb2f27a0796f11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/amount", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/amount/exclusiveMin imum", "keyword": "exclusiveMinimum", "params": { "comparison": ">", "limit": 0 }, "message": "must be > 0" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/pull requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ext2TnId25902", "amount": 10.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "f4555d70796f11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "cFiCardId" }, "message": "must have required property 'cFiCardId'" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/pull cardNotFound Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ext2TnId25902", "cFiCardId": "unknownId", "amount": 10.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "e12abfb0796f11eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "cardNotFound", "context": { "cFiCardId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Card not found" } |
400 transfer-to/card/pull referenceExists Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ext2TnId25904", "cFiCardId": "tcrd_1AXvpht43m432u6UHpu07w", "amount": 10.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "dc8c9c1081aa11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "reference": "ext2TnId25904", "entityId": "CLIENTID_3aKevAR2l7zkOsF1HSstMu" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 transfer-to/card/pull extToucan Error Transaction declined | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "ext2TnId25905", "cFiCardId": "tcrd_1AXvpht43m432u6UHpu07w", "amount": 100.01, "currency": "USD", "narrative": "For invoice #123", "softDescriptor": { "name": "Sample Merchant", "address": { "addressLine1": "1346 Pleasant Ave", "addressLine2": "Apt A123", "city": "Salt Lake City", "state": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "country": "US" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "1", "number": "5556667777" }, "email": "" } } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "ecda7fb081aa11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "extToucan", "context": { "status": "Declined", "cFiTransactionId": "CLIENTID_7cWWTuIXNvLtUYIqLAYmvU", "cFiAggregatorId": "CLIENTID", "reference": "ext2TnId25905" }, "message": "Transaction Limit" } |
400 transfer-to/card/transactions-query Using cFiTransactionIds requestValidateError - Must not have fewer than allowed minimum characters | REQUEST BODY { "cFiTransactionIds": [ "CLIENTID_RWrsXBN7ICJcABIb58u9Y", "" ] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "e226b670797011eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/cFiTransactionIds/1", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/id/minLength", "keyword": "minLength", "params": { "limit": 1 }, "message": "must NOT have fewer than 1 characters" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "references" }, "message": "must have required property 'references'" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/transactions-query Using cFiTransactionIds requestValidateError - Must not have fewer than allowed minimum items | REQUEST BODY { "cFiTransactionIds": [ ] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "02ea29f0797111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/cFiTransactionIds", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/properties/cFiTransactionIds/ minItems", "keyword": "minItems", "params": { "limit": 1 }, "message": "must NOT have fewer than 1 items" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "references" }, "message": "must have required property 'references'" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/transactions-query requestValidateError - Must not have both references and cFiTransactionIds | REQUEST BODY { "cFiTransactionIds": [ "CLIENTID_RWrsXBN7ICJcABIb58u9Y", "CLIENTID_5zo5ECvPGbmXo3FytHjEB4" ], "references": [ "ext2TnId25900", "externalTrnId0500" ] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "211f638081ab11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "references" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "cFiTransactionIds" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/list/transactions requestValidateError - Must be an allowed value | REQUEST BODY { "dateCreateFrom": "2023-04-01T18:57:25.957Z", "dateCreateTo": "2024-05-10T18:57:25.957Z", "status": "OtherStatus", "numberOfRecords": 1000, "skipRecords": 0 } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "4270d420797111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/status", "schemaPath": "#/properties/status/enum", "keyword": "enum", "params": { "allowedValues": [ "Unknown", "Manual", "Initiated", "Complete", "Declined" ] }, "message": "must be equal to one of the allowed values" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/list/transactions greaterNumberOfRecords Error | REQUEST BODY { "dateCreateFrom": "2023-04-01T18:57:25.957Z", "dateCreateTo": "2024-05-10T18:57:25.957Z", "status": "Complete", "numberOfRecords": 1001, "skipRecords": 0 } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "50c3ab10797111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "greaterNumberOfRecords", "context": { "maxNumberOfRecords": 1000 }, "message": "The numberOfRecords field is greater than the request limit" } |
400 transfer-to/card/reversal requestValidateError - Must not have fewer than minimum allowed characters | REQUEST BODY { "cFiTransactionId": "" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "86584060797111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/cFiTransactionId", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/id/minLength", "keyword": "minLength", "params": { "limit": 1 }, "message": "must NOT have fewer than 1 characters" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/reversal requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9f678110797111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "cFiTransactionId" }, "message": "must have required property 'cFiTransactionId'" } ] } |
400 transfer-to/card/reversal transactionNotFound Error | REQUEST BODY { "cFiTransactionId": "unknownId" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "935fab90797111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "transactionNotFound", "context": { "cFiTransactionId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Transaction not found." } |
400 transfer-to/card/reversal toucanCannotReverseError already reversed | REQUEST BODY { "cFiTransactionId": "CLIENTID_3aKevAR2l7zkOsF1HSstMu" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "57b710f081ab11ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "toucanCannotReverseError", "context": { "cFiTransactionId": "CLIENTID_3aKevAR2l7zkOsF1HSstMu" }, "message": "This transaction is already reversed (reversal)" } |
400 transfer-to/card/reversal toucanCannotReverseError reversals only available for pull | REQUEST BODY { "cFiTransactionId": "CLIENTID_12EAbIPQ9t24OxKIBog2no" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "2e22da10951211eea89d7100487c0512", "code": "toucanCannotReverseError", "context": { "cFiTransactionId": "CLIENTID_12EAbIPQ9t24OxKIBog2no" }, "message": "Reversals are only available for pull transactions" } |