Update Customer
Request URL
POST /condor/customer/update
This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /condor endpoints, it is recommended to use /ibis endpoints. Ibis endpoints support credit-card issuing, debit-card issuing, and vAccount issuing.
This endpoint is used to update or add customer information. The "customerId" property is required for a successful response. Optional properties include "firstName", "lastName", "gender", "dateOfBirth", "email", the "addresses" array, and the "phones" array. Use cases may include instances where a customer needs to change their name, add a new phone number, update their email address, etc.
Including any properties other than those listed will result in an error. Note that you may NOT use this endpoint to update or add identification document information.
Required Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
customerId | Customer ID in connectFi | String | "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8" |
Optional Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
firstName | First name of customer | String | "Jessie" |
lastName | Last name of customer | String | "Testman" |
gender | Customer's gender ("M" or "F") | String | "M" or "F" |
dateOfBirth | Customer's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format | String, regex pattern "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" | "1978-10-25" |
Customer's email address | String, regex pattern "^(.+)@(.+)$" | "bb@bb.be" | |
addresses | Array of objects representing customer's addresses | Array | [{//address1}, {//address2}, {//etc.}] , See Address Object below |
phones | Array of objects representing customer's phone numbers | Array | [{//phone1}, {//phone2}, {//etc.}] , See Phone Object below |
Address Object
Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
type | Type of address (required) | String | "PRIMARY" or "SECONDARY" |
addressLine1 | Customer's address line 1 (required) | String | "123 Some Str." |
addressLine2 | Customer's address line 2 (optional) | String | "Apt A123" |
city | Customer's city (required) | String | "Mycityname" |
state | Customer's state (required) | String | "PA" |
postalCode | Customer's postal code (required), each # in the example should be replaced with a digit 0-9 | String | "#####" |
countryCodeA3 | Customer's country (required) | String | "USA" |
Phone Object
Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
type | Type of phone number (required) | String | "MOBILE" or "LANDLINE" |
phoneNumber | Customer's 6 to 12 digit phone number (required), each # in the example should be replaced with a digit 0-9 | String | "##########" |
countryDialingCode | Customer's 1 to 4 digit country dialing code (optional) | String | "01" |
Request Body
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-connectfi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request
"customerId" : "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8", //customer ID in connectFi
"firstName" : "Jessie", //Optional property - will be updated if different from existing property value. Otherwise, existing value will remain the same.
"lastName" : "Testman", //Optional property - will be updated if different from existing property value. Otherwise, existing value will remain the same.
"gender" : "M", //Optional property - will be updated if different from existing property value. Otherwise, existing value will remain the same.
"dateOfBirth" : "1978-10-25", //Optional property - will be updated if different from existing property value. Otherwise, existing value will remain the same. YYYY-MM-DD format
"email" : "bb@bb.be", //Optional property - will be updated if different from existing property value. Otherwise, existing value will remain the same.
"addresses" : [ //Optional property - will be updated if different from existing property value. Otherwise, existing value will remain the same. Note that multiple addresses of the same "type" are not allowed and will result in an error.
"type": "PRIMARY",
"addressLine1": "123 Some Str.",
"city": "Mycityname",
"countryCodeA3": "USA",
"postalCode": "#####", //a postal code, ##### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"stateCode": "PA"
"type": "SECONDARY",
"addressLine1": "124 Some Str.",
"city": "Mycityname",
"countryCodeA3": "USA",
"postalCode": "#####", //a postal code, ##### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"stateCode": "PA"
"phones": [ //Optional property - will be updated if different from existing property value. Otherwise, existing value will remain the same. Note that multiple phone elements of the same "type" are not allowed and will result in an error.
"type": "MOBILE",
"phoneNumber": "##########", //a phone number, "##########", is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"countryDialingCode": "01"
Successful Response Example
200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, information was updated and/or added
"code": "0", //Success
"data": {
"condorCustomer": {
"first_name": "Jessie",
"last_name": "Testman",
"gender": "M",
"email": "bb@bb.be",
"phone_details": [
"phone_type": "MOBILE", //May only have one of each phone type (you cannot have two phone numbers listed as type "MOBILE", etc.)
"country_dialing_code": 1,
"phone_number": "##########", //a phone number, "##########", is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"date_of_birth": "1978-10-25",
"addresses": [
"address_type": "PRIMARY", //May only have one of each address type (you cannot have two addresses listed as type "PRIMARY", etc.)
"address1": "123 Some Str.",
"city": "Mycityname",
"region": "PA",
"postal_code": "#####", //a postal code, ##### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"country": "USA"
"address_type": "SECONDARY", //May only have one of each address type (you cannot have two addresses listed as type "SECONDARY", etc.)
"address1": "124 Some Str.",
"city": "Mycityname",
"region": "PA",
"postal_code": "#####", //a postal code, ##### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"country": "USA"
"identification_docs": [ //Existing identification documents will returned in the response, even though the /condor/customer/update endpoint will not allow you to update or add identification document information.
"identification_type": "DRIVING LICENSE",
"identification_value": "#########", //a Driver's License Number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"identification_issuance_country": "USA",
"identification_issuance_region": "Pennsylvania",
"identification_expiry_date": "2023-04-08"
"identification_type": "SSN",
"identification_value": "#########", //a 9 digit Social Security Number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"identification_issuance_country": "USA"
"customerId": "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8" //customer ID in connectFi
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Duplicate address/phone type found
In this example, a request to include two "PRIMARY" type addresses was made. You may only have one of a specific type of address or phone number. If the request body address array or phone array contains duplicate type values, an error will be returned.
"code": "extCondor",
"subCode": "C0900",
"context": {
"title": "cardholdersUpdate"
"message": "Duplicate address type found."
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Must have required property
While all properties other than "customerId" are optional, if you DO include a property such as "addresses", all required parts of that property must be present. In this example, a request was made to update the addresses array, but the new address was missing the required address property "stateCode".
"code": "requestValidateError",
"context": [
"instancePath": "/addresses/0",
"schemaPath": "#/definitions/address/required",
"keyword": "required",
"params": {
"missingProperty": "stateCode"
"message": "must have required property 'stateCode'"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Must not have additional properties
The "customerId" property should be present when making this request. Optional properties include "firstName", "lastName", "gender", "dateOfBirth", "email", the "addresses" array, and the "phones" array. Any other property values present will result in an error. In this example, an additional property "cardAttributes" was included in the request.
Note: You may not use this endpoint to update or add identification document information.