This endpoint is used to manage prospective new users (or applicants). Their data is validated and, if appropriate, they are converted to users.
Prospect Object
Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
deviceTag | The device id (provided by user) | string | "o1vd1oc0nw8" |
preSegment | The original category of prospect (ex. "teacher", "adult") | string | "demo_uoiuqwehflkipahgoqq" |
deviceData | A device-specific set of data | object | { //See deviceData Object below } |
payload | A segment-specific set of data required to register the user; e.g. name, address, and other personal info | object | { //See payload Object below } |
dtsRecorded | The date and time that the prospect was recorded | string | "2022-06-20T15:33:22.726Z" |
dtsCollected | The current date and time | string | "2022-06-20T15:33:22.726Z" |
deepLink | A code with which family members get linked to each other | string, nullable | "null" |
linkinjected | A link to another user | no | "null" |
ipAddress | The device IP address | string | "::ffff:" |
dtsRegistered | the date and time that the prospect was registered | string | "2022-06-20T15:33:22.726Z" |
isRegistered | true if the prospect is registered | boolean | true or false |
payload Object Example
This is an example payload and may differ depending on the user segment.
Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
name | The user's name | object | { "firstName": "John", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Testman" } |
address | The user's main address | object | { "addressLine1": "123 Main Str.", "city": "Harrisburg", "state": "PA", "postalCode": "12345", "countryCode": "US"} |
address1 | Additional user address details | object | { "countryCode": "US" } |
dob | The user's date of birth | object | { "dts": "1978-10-15T17:12:25.000+00:00", "day": 15, "month": 10, "year": 1978 } |
document | An identification document information object, such as for SSN or Driver's License | object | { "type": "US driving license", "number": "123456789", "issued": "10052015", "expires": "10052025", "issuingState": "PA" } |
extra | An object containing any additional information that was requested | object | { "sex": "male", "eyeColor": "BRO", "hairColor": "BLK", "heightMetric": "181", "weightMetric": "185"} |
ssn | The user's Social Security Number (for US) | string | "123456789" |
mobile | The user's mobile phone number | string | "1234567890" |
The user's email address | string | "aa@aa.ae" | |
languageCode | The user's primary language or device language | string | "en" |
isIntroSeen | true if intro should be seen | boolean | true or false |
referral | A code from a friend | string | "BBQFCHQXN" |
deviceData Object Example
Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
platform | The device platform | string | "android" |
build | The device platform build version | string | "0.0.01" |
ampliFi user object example for new user
"AFiUserId": "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc", //randomly generated and unique id
"dtsCreated": "2022-09-27T17:22:03.172Z",
"names": [],
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "",
"lastName": "Testman"
"firstName": "John",
"sortId": "s7j", //randomly generated
"languageCode": "en", //defaults to english, other possible values are "fr" (French) or "es" (Spanish)
"dtsCreated": "2022-09-27T17:22:03.172Z",
"dtsModified": "2022-09-27T17:22:03.172Z",
"dtsCreatedAtUsers": "2022-09-27T17:22:03.172Z",
"segment": "demo", //given presegment is converted into the corresponding idle user segment and then to a finalized user
"postOnboardingStepsRequired": "postonboardingadultstep2", //or "welcome", etc.
"referralCode": "BBBUTHZFE", //unique referral code generated if new user will be allowed to make referrals, otherwise referralCode defaults to undefined
"extras": {},
"private": true, //not a company, a private person
"isFullyRegistered": false, //updates to true when finalized
"isIdleUser": true, //updates to false if finalized user segment is not idle
"uiStage": undefined //updates to "firstContact" when finalized as a user
//"requirements": { //an object containing required ID image type sets (user must provide at least one valid combination of user ID documents), this property is added when user is finalized }