Services at this endpoint access and modify the currently logged in user's record.
A user is an ampliFi customer. Users are initially processed as prospects, then converted to users when they have been validated.
User Object
The ampliFi API represents a user by a JSON object. This table lists properties usually included in a user object. Some details may vary.
Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
AFiUserId | ampliFi ID for the user | string | "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc" |
dtsCreated | Date and time when the record was created | dts | "2022-09-27T17:21:23.445Z" |
names | Older names, if any | array of name objects | [ {//name object 1}, {//name object 2}, ... ] |
name | The user's name object | object | {"firstName": "John", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Testman"} |
firstName | The user's first (given) name | string | "John" |
middleName | The user's middle name(s), if any | string | "" |
lastName | The user's last (family) name | string | "Testman" |
sortId | An ID for sorting, randomly generated | string | "s7j" |
languageCode | A 2-letter code for user's preferred language | string | "en" |
dtsModified | The date and time when the record was last modified | dts | "2022-09-27T17:22:03.172Z" |
dtsCreatedAtUsers | The date and time when the user applied | dts | "2022-09-27T17:21:23.445Z" |
segment | The customer segment for user | string | "demo" |
postOnboardingStepsRequired | The next step required in the prospect to user process | string | "postonboardingadultstep2" |
referralCode | A referral code this user can use to invite others | string | "BBBUTHZFE" |
extras | Additional information if any (see below) | object | { //See extras Object Example below} |
private | True if user is not a business | boolean | true |
isFullyRegistered | True if user passed KYC (Know Your Customer) and has opened an account | boolean | true |
isIdleUser | True if user was created, but bank account was not opened | boolean | false |
uiStage | User's current stage | string | "firstContact" |
ssn | The user's 9 digit Social Security Number | string | "123456789" |
dosDob | User's date of birth in "YYYY-MM-DD" format | string | "1978-10-15" |
dobDay | User's birth date day in "DD" format | string | "15" |
dobMonth | User's birth date month in "MM" format | string | "10" |
dobYear | User's birth date year in "YYYY" format | string | "1978" |
addresses | Array of address objects | array | [ { //See address Object Example below}, ... ] |
mobile | The user's mobile 10 digit phone number | string | "1234567890" |
The user's email address in email format | string | "aa@aa.ae" | |
homeCurrency | 3-letter currency code | string | "USD" |
isActive | True if user is active | boolean | true |
dtsRegistered | The date and time when user was registered | dts | "2022-09-27T17:21:57.913Z" |
phoneNumbers | An array of user's phone numbers | array | [ "1234567890", ... ] |
emails | An array of user's email addresses | array | [ //email1, //email2, ... ] |
isMetric | True if customer prefers metric measurements | boolean | false |
faceImage | The user's face image, png encoded in Base 64 | string | "/a/very/long/string/of/characters/and/digits" |
mainAFiAccountId | The account ID for the user's main account | string | "qwegal8kgtmysmels" |
isEmailConfirmed | True if the email address has been verified | boolean | false |
isMobilePhoneConfirmed | True if the mobile phone number has been verified | boolean | false |
extras Object Example
"extras": {
"sex": "female",
"eyeColor": "BRO",
"heightImperial": "66",
"heightMetric": "168",
"weightMetric": "85",
"veteran": "1"
address Object Example
"addressLine1": "123 Main Str.",
"addressLine2": null,
"city": "Somecity",
"state": "PA",
"postalCode": "12345",
"countryCode": "US",
"AFiUserId": "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc",
"dtsRecorded": "2022-09-27T17:21:57.953Z",
"AFiUserAddressId": "qwebeteysxkycnkcyddoziktasubadowcprrvwjsjri",
"dtsModified": "2022-09-27T17:21:57.953Z"