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Possible Status Values

The following are potential status codes that may arise when the customer is verified using the KYC/KYB process.

The term journey in this section refers to the overall identification and verification process. The term entity in this section refers to a specific individual customer, business customer, or business representative. In order for the journey to resolve to an "Approved" status, each relevant entity must have an "approved" status.

If the customer is an individual, then the customerId and entityId in connectFi are identical and refer to the same person.

If the customer is a business, then the customerId refers to the business entity itself. Multiple entityIds may be associated with the business customerId and would refer to business representative entities associated with the business customer.

Possible Journey Statuses

Journey Status (status) Description
"pending_step_up" or "pending_documents" Document images are expected. To upload document images, use /akepa/document/generate in conjunction with /akepa/document/upload/:documentId. Once the expected document images have been uploaded, use /akepa/update to link them to the KYC/KYB verification application.
"waiting_review" or "pending_journey_application_review" The verification application is under manual review. No further action is required at this time. (If you are testing this status in the sandbox, please contact support to have the test application moved manually to either an "Approved" or "Denied" status.)
"running" KYC/KYB process has started and requires no additional input on your end.
"data_request" Additional data has been requested. This status may occur if the customer is missing information required for KYC/KYB. The customer requirements for KYC/KYB will depend on the KYC/KYB procedure configured for you (the client) through our banking partner. Required/Optional /customer/init fields will be specific to your use case.
"completed" The KYC/KYB verification process has resolved to either "Approved" or "Denied"

Possible Journey Outcomes

Journey Outcome (outcome) Description
"Approved" Customer was approved.
"Denied" Customer was declined.
null The verification process is pending for this journey and has not yet resolved.

Possible Entity Application Statuses

Entity Application Status (entityApplications.status) Description
"pending_step_up" or "pending_documents" Document images are expected. To upload document images, use /akepa/document/generate in conjunction with /akepa/document/upload/:documentId. Once the expected document images have been uploaded, use /akepa/update to link them to the KYC/KYB verification application.
"waiting_review" The verification application is under manual review. No further action is required at this time. (If you are testing this status in the sandbox, please contact support to have the test application moved manually to either an "Approved" or "Denied" status.)
"running" The KYC/KYB verification process is currently processing for this entity
"completed" The KYC/KYB verification process has resolved to "approved" or "denied" for this entity

Possible Entity Application Outcomes

Entity Application Outcome (entityApplications.outcome) Description
"approved" Entity was approved.
"denied" Entity was declined.
null The verification process for this specific entity is pending and has not yet resolved.