This endpoint provides methods to transfer funds to and from external bank accounts. These accounts are accounts in user's name in other banks. Two types of external accounts are supported:
Basic US checking/savings accounts
Debit cards
External Account Object
An external account is represented by an external account object. This may include the following properties:
Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
AFiExternalAccountId | The external account ID in ampliFi, (required if updating/deleting account information) | string | "qweealasgjrtselpavxaxxrjx" |
backOfficeId | The back office ID, (required if updating/deleting account information) | string | "evolve" |
backOfficeName | The back office name, (required if updating/deleting account information) | string | "evolve" |
dtsCreated | The date-time stamp when the account was added to ampliFi | string | "2022-11-22T16:55:23.174Z" |
dtsModified | The date-time stamp when the account details were last modified in ampliFi, (required if updating/deleting account information) | string | "2022-11-22T16:55:23.174Z" |
type | The type of account | string | "CHECKING", "SAVINGS", or "DEBITCARD" |
title | The account title, (optional, default is ${firstName} ${lastName} ) |
string | "John Testman" |
countryCode | 3-letter country code (for checking/savings accounts) or 2-letter country code (for debit cards), ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format, (optional, default is USA) | string | "USA" or "US" |
currency | 3-letter ISO alphabetic code to identify the currency, (optional, default is USD) | string | "USD" |
accountNumberMasked | Account number that has been masked except for the last 4 digits | string | "**1234" |
isSync | True if processing should be synchronous, (optional, default is true) | boolean | true or false |
isActive | True if the account is active, (optional) | boolean | true or false |
isEnabled | True if the account is enabled, (optional, default is true) | boolean | true or false |
isPullAllowed | True if funds can be pulled from the account, (optional, default is true) | boolean | true or false |
isPushAllowed | True if funds can be pushed to the account, (optional, default is true) | boolean | true or false |
isVerified | True if the account is verified | boolean | true or false |
name | Name of the account, (optional) | string | "My personal checking account" |
isSyncedToServer | True if the account is synced to the server | boolean | true or false |
comment | Brief description of the account, (optional) | string | "External savings account" |
Properties Specific to Checking/Savings Accounts | Description | Schema | Example Values |
accountNumber | The external account number corresponding to the account | string, regex pattern "^\d+$" | "12345678901234" |
routingNumber | The external US ABA account routing number | string, regex pattern "^\d{9}$" | "123456789" |
bankName | The name of the bank with whom the account is associated | string | "Bank of America" |
isOwn | True if the account is at the user's own bank, optional | boolean | true or false |
Properties Specific to Debit Cards | Description | Schema | Example Values |
panMasked | The debit card primary account number (PAN) that has been masked except for the last 4 digits | string | "1...2345" |
dtsExpires | The date-time when the account expires in the ampliFi system | string | "2025-12-01T04:59:59.999Z" |
expiryYYYYMM | The expiration date on the card in YYYYMM format | string | "202511" |
name_on_card | The name as it appears on the debit card | string | "John Testman" |