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POST /condor/card/set-pin (deprecated)


This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /condor endpoints, it is recommended to use /ibis endpoints. Ibis endpoints support credit-card issuing, debit-card issuing, and vAccount issuing.

This endpoint is used to set the PIN for a debit card. The card must have an "ACTIVE" or "NEW" status to be able to set the PIN. Attempts to change or set the PIN on a card with status codes "BLOCK", "FRAUD_BLOCK", or "CLOSED" will result in an error. The PIN must be a four digit whole number.

Required Properties Description Schema Example Values
cardId The card ID in connectFi String "crda_fO2N93TnJZvSmUgFFClUA"
newPin The desired new pin number String, regex pattern "^\d{4}$" "1234"

Request Body


    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "x-connectfi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request


    "cardId" : "crda_fO2N93TnJZvSmUgFFClUA", //card ID in connectFi
    "newPin": "1234" //a four digit whole number

Successful Response Example

200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, the pin number was changed

```JSON { "code": "0", //Success "data": { "cardSetPin": { "verified": true, "cardId": "crda_fO2N93TnJZvSmUgFFClUA" //card ID in connectFi } } }


400 (HTTP response status code) -- Set Card PIN Decline (Inactive Card) or (Closed Card)

In this example, an attempt was made to set the PIN nmber for a card with a status of "BLOCK". If an attempt to set the PIN of a card with status "CLOSED" is made, a similar error will be returned indicating that the card is closed instead of inactive.

    "code": "extCondor",
    "subCode": "C1004",
    "context": {
        "title": "cardsSetPinByToken"
    "message": "Set Card PIN Decline (Inactive Card)"

400 (HTTP response status code) -- Set Card PIN Decline (Suspected Fraud Hit, Card is Already Blocked)

In this example, an attempt was made to set the PIN nmber for a card with a status of "FRAUD_BLOCK". This indicates a suspected fraud hit.

    "code": "extCondor",
    "subCode": "C1004",
    "context": {
        "title": "cardsSetPinByToken"
    "message": "Set Card PIN Decline (Suspected Fraud Hit, Card is Already Blocked)"

400 (HTTP response status code) -- Must match pattern

In this example, the requested PIN was not a four digit whole number.

    "code": "requestValidateError",
    "context": [
            "instancePath": "/newPin",
            "schemaPath": "#/properties/newPin/pattern",
            "keyword": "pattern",
            "params": {
                "pattern": "^\\d{4}$"
            "message": "must match pattern \"^\\d{4}$\""