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TheM Reference


The ampliFi SDK framework is best described as part of the "M" in the MVC (Model-View-Controller) approach to application architecture. Hence, all of the submodules of the ampliFi SDK framework are accessible as properties of one root TheM class (pronounced as 'The M'). When creating a new instance of ClassTheM, the libraries and configuration should be set like below. For a detailed guide on how to start working with TheM class, see the Getting Started section of this documentation.

TheM = new ClassTheM({
  config: { //configurations },
  libs: { //libraries }


TheM = new ClassTheM({
  config: {
    AFiInstanceId: 'qwe',
    modulesFolder: '',
    webworkerFolder: '../TheM/',
    baseLibURL: '../demo/lib/',
    backEndURL: 'http://amplifi:4000/',
    user: {
    onboarding: {
        'demo_uoiuqwehflkipahgoqq': 'GenericClient'


Property table for TheM

Property Description Required Schema
AFiInstanceId Gets (returns) the unique AFiInstanceId that was set when the ClassTheM instance was created. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.AFiInstanceId",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the unique
AFiInstanceId that was set when the ClassTheM
instance was created.",
  "$comment": "enumerable, getter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
libs Gets (returns) TheM.libs. No libs object
config Gets (returns) TheM.config. Yes config object
eventHistory Gets (returns) the history of all executed TheM events (a log of all TheM event notifications). No {
  "title": "TheM.eventHistory",
  "type": "Set",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the history of all
executed TheM events (a log of all TheM event
  "$comment": "getter",
  "examples": [
    "new Set(['TheM ready','TheM.common ready'])"
  "default": {}
isBrowser Gets (returns) true if the current environment is a browser environment and false if it is a node.js environment. No {
  "title": "TheM.isBrowser",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if the current
environment is a browser environment and false if it
is a node.js environment.",
  "$comment": "getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": false
isLocalSavingAllowed Gets (returns) or sets whether saving locally is allowed. If set to false, TheM will not save anything locally. No {
  "title": "TheM.isLocalSavingAllowed",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets whether
saving locally is allowed. If set to false, TheM will
not save anything locally.",
  "$comment": "getter, setter",
  "examples": [
  "default": true
loading Gets (returns) the number of calls (to the server) currently in progress. No {
  "title": "TheM.loading",
  "type": "number",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the number of calls
(to the server) currently in progress.",
  "$comment": "configurable, getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": 0
loadingwhat Gets (returns) or sets an array of strings describing requests currently in progress. No {
  "title": "TheM.loadingwhat",
  "type": "array",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets an array of
strings describing requests currently in
  "$comment": "configurable, getter, setter",
  "examples": [
  "default": []
subscribers Gets (returns) an array of current event functions. See addSubscribers method. No {
  "title": "TheM.subscribers",
  "type": "array",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an array of current
event functions. See addSubscribers method.",
  "$comment": "getter",
  "examples": [
        "name": "printPayload",
        "fn": "(payload: object) => {
  "default": []

Property table for config object

Property Description Required Schema
AFiInstanceId Gets (returns) the unique AFiInstanceId that was set when the ClassTheM instance was created. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.config.AFiInstanceId",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the unique
AFiInstanceId that was set when the ClassTheM
instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
backEndURL Gets (returns) the back-end URL that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.config.backEndURL",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the back-end URL
that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM
instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
baseLibURL Gets (returns) the base library URL that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.baseLibURL",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the base library
URL that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM
instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "default": "./lib/"
defaultCurrency Gets (returns) the 3 character default currency code that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.defaultCurrency",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the 3 character
default currency code that was set in TheM.config
when the ClassTheM instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "default": "USD"
fdrs Gets (returns) an object containing fdrs configurations for TheM, such as DEFAULT_FDRS, if defined. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.fdrs",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing fdrs configurations for TheM, such as
DEFAULT_FDRS, if defined.",
  "examples": [
      "DEFAULT_FDRS": {}
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
fxrates Gets (returns) an object containing fxrates configurations for TheM, such as baseCurrency. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.fxrates",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing fxrates configurations for TheM, such
as baseCurrency.",
  "examples": [
      "baseCurrency": "USD"
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
geolocation Gets (returns) an object containing geolocation configurations for TheM, such as DISTANCE_TO_POI_UPDATE_M - the distance in meters between POI updates. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.geolocation",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing geolocation configurations for TheM,
such as DISTANCE_TO_POI_UPDATE_M - the distance in
meters between POI updates.",
  "examples": [
      "TTL_GEOLOCATION_EXPIRE_MS": 2592000000,
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
isBrowser Gets (returns) whether the current environment was set as a browser (true) or not (false) when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.isBrowser",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) whether the
current environment was set as a browser (true) or
not (false) when the ClassTheM instance was
  "examples": [
  "default": null,
  "nullable": true
isDetectBrowser Gets (returns) isDetectBrowser value that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.isDetectBrowser",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) isDetectBrowser
value that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM
instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "default": false
LOCAL_STORAGE_TAG_PREFIX Gets (returns) the tag prefix for local storage that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the tag prefix for
local storage that was set in TheM.config when the
ClassTheM instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "default": "test_"
modulesFolder Gets (returns) modules folder that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.modulesFolder",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) modules folder
that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM
instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "default": ""
modulesFolderOnboarding Gets (returns) modules onboarding folder that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created, if any. No {
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) modules
onboarding folder that was set in TheM.config when
the ClassTheM instance was created, if any.",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": true
onboarding Gets (returns) an object containing the onboarding configurations, such as allowed presegments. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.onboarding",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing the onboarding configurations, such as
allowed presegments.",
  "examples": [
        "demo_uoiuqwehflkipahgoqq": "GenericClient"
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
pois Gets (returns) an object containing pois configurations for TheM, such as TTL_GENERIC_POI (the time in milliseconds a generic point of interest should be saved). No {
  "title": "TheM.config.pois",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing pois configurations for TheM, such as
TTL_GENERIC_POI (the time in milliseconds a
generic point of interest should be saved).",
  "examples": [
      "TTL_GENERIC_POI": 2592000000
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
preSegent Gets (returns) a presegment string that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.preSegent",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) a presegment
string that was set in TheM.config when the
ClassTheM instance was created.",
  "examples": [
restrictions Gets (returns) an object containing restrictions configurations for TheM, if any. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.restrictions",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing restrictions configurations for TheM,
if any.",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
socketURL Gets (returns) the socket URL that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.config.socketURL",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the socket URL that
was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance
was created.",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
supportData Gets (returns) an object containing a support contact email address that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.supportData",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing a support contact email address that was
set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was
  "examples": [
      "email": ""
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
user Gets (returns) an object containing user configurations for TheM, such as the DEFAULT_HOMECOUNTRY property. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.user",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) an object
containing user configurations for TheM, such as
  "examples": [
  "nullable": true,
  "required": []
version Gets (returns) current version of the amplifi SDK No {
  "title": "TheM.config.version",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) current version of
the amplifi SDK",
  "examples": [
  "default": "2.0.1"
webworkerFolder Gets (returns) webworkerFolder that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM instance was created. No {
  "title": "TheM.config.webworkerFolder",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) webworkerFolder
that was set in TheM.config when the ClassTheM
instance was created.",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": true

Property table for libs object

Property Description Required Schema
LZString LZString library No {
  "title": "TheM.libs.LZString",
  "type": "class",
  "description": "LZString library",
  "nullable": true
moment moment library No {
  "title": "TheM.libs.moment",
  "type": "class",
  "description": "moment library",
  "nullable": true
axios axios library No {
  "title": "TheM.libs.axios",
  "type": "class",
  "description": "axios library",
  "nullable": true
io io library No {
  "title": "",
  "type": "class",
  "description": "io library",
  "nullable": true
CryptoJS CryptoJS library No {
  "title": "TheM.libs.CryptoJS",
  "type": "class",
  "description": "CryptoJS library",
  "nullable": true


Method Name Parameter Descriptions Description Example
"title": "given",
"type": "object",
"nullable": false,
"properties": {
"name": {
"title": "name",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"example": "printPayload"
"fn": {
"title": "fn",
"type": "function",
"nullable": false,
"example": "(givenEventName?:
string, payload?: any) => {
"example": {
"name": "printPayload",
"fn": "(givenEventName?:
string, payload?: any) => {
Pushes the given event function onto the subscribers array. Returns void. TheM.addSubscribers(
   "name": "printPayload",
   "fn": "(givenEventName?: string, payload?: any) => {
"title": "givenEventName",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"example": "printPayload"
"title": "payload",
"type": "object",
"nullable": true,
"example": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
Calls the event functions in the subscribers array and passes givenEventName and payload as arguments to the subscriber function. Returns void. TheM.callSubscribers("printPayload",
   "key1": "value1",
   "key2": "value2"
"title": "givenModuleNames",
"type": "string",
"nullable": true,
"example": "common user accounts
cards statics beneficiaries
fundstransfer genericRequests
externalAccounts fdrs statics
ious cheques restrictions
remittance fxrates"
Initializes the given modules. The modules that may be required during this session are passed as a case sensitive space-delimited string. Returns void. TheM.doInit("common user accounts cards statics beneficiaries fundstransfer genericRequests externalAccounts fdrs statics ious cheques restrictions remittance fxrates");
"title": "givenEventName",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"example": "printPayload"
"title": "payload",
"type": "object",
"nullable": true,
"example": {
"key1": "newEventValue1",
"key2": "newEventValue2"
For browser environments, this dispatches a new CustomEvent with the givenEventName and payload. It will also call TheM.callSubscribers(givenEventName, payload). For node.js environments, this emits the givenEventName and payload. All callback functions that have been registered to listen for this event will be called. Returns void. TheM.newEvent("printPayload",
   "key1": "newEventValue1",
   "key2": "newEventValue2"
"title": "givenEventName",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"example": "printPayload"
"title": "givenFunction",
"type": "function",
"nullable": false,
"example": "(payload: any) => {
console.log('${payload} was
"title": "givenFlag",
"type": "boolean",
"nullable": true,
"example": true
Registers a listener to the given event name(s) (returns true). Parameters: givenEventName is a string or string[], givenFunction is a callback function to call when the event occurs, and givenFlag is a boolean (if true, the event will be dispatched before affecting the DOM). Returns true. TheM.on("printPayload",(payload: any) => {
      console.log('${payload} was
"title": "givenEventName",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"example": "printPayload"
"title": "givenFunction",
"type": "function",
"nullable": false,
"example": "(payload: any) => {
console.log('${payload} was
"title": "checkInHistory",
"type": "boolean",
"nullable": true,
"description": "Pass true if
TheM.once should perform the
effect if the event name is in the
event history",
"example": true
Registers a listener to the given event name(s) to be called only once (returns true). Parameters: givenEventName is a string or string[], givenFunction is a callback function to call when the event occurs, and checkInHistory is a boolean (if true, the function will called, even if the event name is already found in the event history). Returns true. TheM.once("printPayload",(payload: any) => {
      console.log('${payload} was
"title": "givenEventName",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"example": "printPayload"
"title": "payload",
"type": "object",
"nullable": true,
"example": {
"key1": "refreshValue1",
"key2": 2,
"key3": "refreshValue3"
This is an overridable function which can be used as part of a rendering process if needed. Calls TheM.newEvent(givenEventName, payload) and then returns true. TheM.refresh("printPayload",
   "key1": "refreshValue1",
   "key2": 2,
   "key3": "refreshValue3"
"title": "name",
"type": "string",
"nullable": true,
"example": "printPayload"
Removes the given event subscriber, identified by name, from the subscriber array. Returns void TheM.removeSubscriber("printPayload");


Submodule Name Link
TheM.accounts Accounts Guide
TheM.attachments Attachments Guide
TheM.beneficiaries Beneficiaries Guide
TheM.billers Coming Soon
TheM.bills Coming Soon Cards Guide
TheM.cheques Cheques Guide
TheM.common Coming Soon
TheM.companies Companies Guide
TheM.externalAccounts ExternalAccounts Guide Coming Soon
TheM.fdrs FDRs Guide
TheM.fundsTransfer fundsTransfer Guide
TheM.fxrates FXRates Guide
TheM.genericRequests Coming Soon
TheM.intsite Coming Soon
TheM.intUser Coming Soon
TheM.invites Coming Soon
TheM.ious IOUs Guide
TheM.messages Messages Guide
TheM.onboarding Onboarding Guide
TheM.payees Payees Guide
TheM.pois Coming Soon
TheM.remittance Remittances Guide
TheM.restrictions Restrictions Guide
TheM.statics Coming Soon
TheM.supportTickets Coming Soon
TheM.user User Guide