Methods at this endpoint access, modify, or change the status of cards. A card in ampliFi is either a debit card or a credit card, represented by a card record in the form of a JSON object. Depending on client configurations and card/account issuer, cards and accounts may have a one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-one relationship.
Card Object
The ampliFi API represents a card by a JSON object. This table lists properties usually included in a card object. Some details may vary depending on the account type.
Property | Description | Schema | Example Values |
AFiCardId | ampliFi ID for the card | string | "qwegal8kgtmysmels" |
AFiAccountId | ampliFi ID for this account | string | "qwegal8kgtmysmels" |
AFiUserId | ampliFi ID for the user of this card | string | "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc" |
id | ID for the card | string | "qwegal8kgtmysmels" |
isSync | True if processing should be synchronous | boolean | true |
cardIdBO | Card ID at the backoffice | string | "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9" |
accountIdBO | Account ID at the backoffice | string | "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9" |
backOfficeId | Backoffice ID | string | "evolve" |
backOfficeName | Backoffice name | string | "evolve" |
typeId | The card type | string | "Standard" |
name_on_card | Name on the card | string | "JOHN TESTMAN N" |
num | 16 digit card number (may be masked) | string | "1234000000005678" |
currency | 3-digit currency code | string | "USD" |
image | Name of file containing card image | string (filename) | "images/card1.png" |
restrictions | Restrictions on the use of the card | object | { "dayOfWeek": { "0": false, //disable the card on Sundays } } |
status | Card status ("active", "blocked") | string | "active" |
isActive | True if the card is currently active | boolean | true |
isActivated | True if the card has been activated | boolean | true |
isClosed | True if the account is closed | boolean | false |
dtsOpened | The date/time that the card was issued | dts string | "2022-09-27T17:21:47.495Z" |
dtsUpdated | The date/time that the card was last updated | dts string | "2023-01-04T20:03:49.205Z" |
dtsPreActivated | The date/time that the card was activated | dts string | "2022-09-27T17:21:51.913Z" |
dtsExpiry | Expiration date for the card | dts string | "2025-10-01T03:59:59.999Z" |
Card Object Example
"card": {
"_id": "6333312f048865fc7f5dd4b0",
"AFiCardId": "qwegal8kgtmysmels", //card ID in ampliFi
"backOfficeId": "evolve", //backoffice ID for this card
"AFiAccountId": "qwegal8kgtmysmels", //account ID in ampliFi
"AFiUserId": "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc", //user ID in ampliFi
"accountIdBO": "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9", //account ID in backoffice
"backOfficeName": "evolve", //backoffice name for this card
"cardIdBO": "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9", //card ID in the backoffice
"currency": "USD", //3-digit currency code
"dtsExpiry": "2025-10-01T03:59:59.999Z", //card expiration date
"dtsOpened": "2022-09-27T17:21:47.495Z", //date/time when card was opened
"dtsPreActivated": "2022-09-27T17:21:51.913Z",
"id": "qwegal8kgtmysmels", //card ID
"image": "images/card1.png", //name of file containing card image
"isActivated": true, //true if the card has been activated
"isActive": true, //true if the card is currently active
"isClosed": false, //true if the account has been closed
"name_on_card": "JOHN TESTMAN NKPB", //full name on card
"num": "123400******5678", //card number, masked to show only first and last four digits
"status": "active", //card status
"typeId": "Standard", //card type
"dtsUpdated": "2023-01-05T17:53:06.123Z", //date/time that card was last updated
"name": "Test2" //card name
"success": true, //action was successful
"userId": "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc" //user ID in ampliFi