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Methods at this endpoint access, modify, or change the status of cards. A card in ampliFi is either a debit card or a credit card, represented by a card record in the form of a JSON object. Depending on client configurations and card/account issuer, cards and accounts may have a one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-one relationship.

Card Object

The ampliFi API represents a card by a JSON object. This table lists properties usually included in a card object. Some details may vary depending on the account type.

Property Description Schema Example Values
AFiCardId ampliFi ID for the card string "qwegal8kgtmysmels"
AFiAccountId ampliFi ID for this account string "qwegal8kgtmysmels"
AFiUserId ampliFi ID for the user of this card string "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc"
id ID for the card string "qwegal8kgtmysmels"
isSync True if processing should be synchronous boolean true
cardIdBO Card ID at the backoffice string "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9"
accountIdBO Account ID at the backoffice string "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9"
backOfficeId Backoffice ID string "evolve"
backOfficeName Backoffice name string "evolve"
typeId The card type string "Standard"
name_on_card Name on the card string "JOHN TESTMAN N"
num 16 digit card number (may be masked) string "1234000000005678"
currency 3-digit currency code string "USD"
image Name of file containing card image string (filename) "images/card1.png"
restrictions Restrictions on the use of the card object { "dayOfWeek": { "0": false, //disable the card on Sundays } }
status Card status ("active", "blocked") string "active"
isActive True if the card is currently active boolean true
isActivated True if the card has been activated boolean true
isClosed True if the account is closed boolean false
dtsOpened The date/time that the card was issued dts string "2022-09-27T17:21:47.495Z"
dtsUpdated The date/time that the card was last updated dts string "2023-01-04T20:03:49.205Z"
dtsPreActivated The date/time that the card was activated dts string "2022-09-27T17:21:51.913Z"
dtsExpiry Expiration date for the card dts string "2025-10-01T03:59:59.999Z"

Card Object Example

    "card": {
        "_id": "6333312f048865fc7f5dd4b0",
        "AFiCardId": "qwegal8kgtmysmels", //card ID in ampliFi
        "backOfficeId": "evolve", //backoffice ID for this card
        "AFiAccountId": "qwegal8kgtmysmels", //account ID in ampliFi
        "AFiUserId": "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc", //user ID in ampliFi
        "accountIdBO": "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9", //account ID in backoffice
        "backOfficeName": "evolve", //backoffice name for this card
        "cardIdBO": "cd_5cg2g8nddz3r9", //card ID in the backoffice
        "currency": "USD", //3-digit currency code
        "dtsExpiry": "2025-10-01T03:59:59.999Z", //card expiration date
        "dtsOpened": "2022-09-27T17:21:47.495Z", //date/time when card was opened
        "dtsPreActivated": "2022-09-27T17:21:51.913Z",
        "id": "qwegal8kgtmysmels", //card ID
        "image": "images/card1.png", //name of file containing card image
        "isActivated": true, //true if the card has been activated
        "isActive": true, //true if the card is currently active
        "isClosed": false, //true if the account has been closed
        "name_on_card": "JOHN TESTMAN NKPB", //full name on card
        "num": "123400******5678", //card number, masked to show only first and last four digits
        "status": "active", //card status
        "typeId": "Standard", //card type
        "dtsUpdated": "2023-01-05T17:53:06.123Z", //date/time that card was last updated
        "name": "Test2" //card name
    "success": true, //action was successful
    "userId": "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc" //user ID in ampliFi