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Activate Card

Request URL

POST /condor/card/activate (deprecated)


This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /condor endpoints, it is recommended to use /ibis endpoints. Ibis endpoints support credit-card issuing, debit-card issuing, and vAccount issuing.

This endpoint is used to activate a "NEW" debit card. Cards cannot be activated using this endpoint if they have status codes "BLOCK", "FRAUD_BLOCK", "CLOSED", or are already "ACTIVE". To change a card marked as "BLOCK" or "FRAUD_BLOCK" back to "ACTIVE", (see Change Debit Card Status). You may choose to allow customer card activation using the cardId alone, or you may choose to include the activateAttributes object in order to validate the cardholder's identity and assure that the card is not being activated fraudulently. Any combination of activateAttributes key:value pairs that you choose to include will be checked against the card and customer information stored in connectFi. You choose which activation rules to include.

Required Properties Description Schema Example Values
cardId The card ID in connectFi String "crda_6v9nQ3AKKyD5bzvTVbnkN2"
Optional Properties Description Schema Example Values
activateAttributes Attributes that can be used to verify the validity of the card activation and cardholder identity Object see *activateAttributes Object below

activateAttributes Object

Optional Properties Description Schema Example Values
cardLastFour The last four digits on the card, each # in the example should be replaced with a digit 0-9 String, regex pattern "^\d{4}$" "####"
cardExpDate The expiration date on the card in MMYY-YY format (a card expiration value of "102025" will be entered here as "1020-25") String, regex pattern "^\d{4}-\d{2}$" "1020-25"
ssnLastFour The last four digits of the cardholder's Social Security Number, each # in the example should be replaced with a digit 0-9 String, regex pattern "^\d{4}$" "####"
otherIdentificationType The type of identification to check "otherIdentificationValue" against (must be the form of identification stored for the specified customer) String "SSN", "SIN", "NIN", "TIN", "PASSPORT", "DRIVING LICENSE", "CONSULAR", "VOTER", "MILITARY ID", or "GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID"
otherIdentificationValue The value (ID number) of the "otherIdentificationType" provided, each # in the example should be replaced with a digit 0-9 (the length of the value will be determined by the type of identification used) String "################"
dateOfBirth Date of birth of the cardholder String, regex pattern "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" "1978-10-15"
routingNo Routing number of the account linked to the card, each # in the example should be replaced with a digit 0-9 String, regex pattern "^\d+$" "#########"

Types of Identification

  • "SSN" - US SSN
  • "SIN" - Canada SIN
  • "NIN" - Other national ID number
  • "TIN" - Taxpayer identification number
  • "PASSPORT" - Any country passport
  • "DRIVING LICENSE" - For US only
  • "CONSULAR" - For foreign, consular ID
  • "VOTER" - US only, voter ID
  • "MILITARY ID" - Military ID, US only
  • "GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID" - Other Government-issued ID

Request Body


    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "x-connectfi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request


This example contains the required cardId, plus each of the optional activateAttributes that can be included in a card activation request.

    "cardId" : "crda_6v9nQ3AKKyD5bzvTVbnkN2", //card ID in connectFi
    "activateAttributes": { //optional combination of object properties used to verify identity of cardholder and validity of the activation request. Any properties included in the "activateAttributes" object must match actual card/cardholder data stored in connectFi.
        "cardLastFour" : "####", //The last four digits on the card, #### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
        "cardExpDate" : "1020-25", //The expiration date on the card in MMYY-YY format
        "ssnLastFour" : "####", //The last four digits of the cardholder's Social Security Number, #### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
        "otherIdentificationType" : "SSN", //The type of identification to check "otherIdentificationValue" against
        "otherIdentificationValue" : "#########", //a 9 digit Social Security Number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes, paired with "otherIdentificationType"
        "dateOfBirth" : "1978-10-15", //Date of birth of the cardholder
        "routingNo" : "#########" //a US ABA account routing number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes

This example contains the required cardId, plus the last four digits on the card.

    "cardId" : "crda_6v9nQ3AKKyD5bzvTVbnkN2", //card ID in connectFi
    "activateAttributes": {
        "cardLastFour" : "####", //The last four digits on the card, #### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes

This example contains the required cardId, plus a combination of "otherIdentificationType" and "otherIdentificationValue" activateAttribute properties.

    "cardId" : "crda_6v9nQ3AKKyD5bzvTVbnkN2", //card ID in connectFi
    "activateAttributes": {
        "otherIdentificationType" : "SSN", //The type of identification to check "otherIdentificationValue" against
        "otherIdentificationValue" : "#########", //a 9 digit Social Security Number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes, paired with "otherIdentificationType"

This example contains only the required cardId. You may decide to choose this option if you have already verified the customer identification and validity of the activation through your existing front-end or middle-ware.

    "cardId" : "crda_6v9nQ3AKKyD5bzvTVbnkN2", //card ID in connectFi

Successful Response Example

200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, the card status is updated to "ACTIVE"

    "code": "0", //Success
    "data": {
        "last_four": "####", //last 4 digits on the card, #### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
        "status": "ACTIVE", //card status is now "ACTIVE"
        "program_id": "Virtual_Debit_Card",
        "name_on_card": "JESSIE TESTMAN UWUR",
        "available_balance": 0, //amount that has been loaded onto the card
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "additional_data": {
            "account_number": "##############", //customer account number associated with the card, ############## is used as  a placeholder for documentation purposes
            "issue_date": "2022-10-25T17:10:13.185919Z", //date the card was issued
            "activation_date": "2022-10-26T17:07:36.327260Z", //date the card was activated
            "design_id": "1",
            "designId": "1",
            "card_expiration": "102025", //card expiration date MMYYYY
            "processor_token": "369029824451",
            "routing_number": "#########" //a US ABA account routing number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
            "accountId": "acca_6JbMasxECOj7a4IN45NpXi" //account ID in connectFi
        "cardId": "crda_6v9nQ3AKKyD5bzvTVbnkN2" //card ID in connectFi


400 (HTTP response status code) -- Cardholder does not have __ as identification stored

In this example, the "otherIdentificationType" requested as one of the activateAttributes properties is not a type of identification that has been stored for the specified cardholder.

    "code": "extCondor",
    "subCode": "C0917",
    "context": {
        "title": "cardsActivateByToken"
    "message": "Cardholder does not have DRIVING LICENSE as identification stored."

400 (HTTP response status code) -- Provided data didn't match card data

In this example, the values in the request body activateAttributes object did not match the card/cardholder data stored in connectFi.

    "code": "extCondor",
    "subCode": "C0917",
    "context": {
        "title": "cardsActivateByToken"
    "message": "Provided data didn't match card data."

400 (HTTP response status code) -- Card cannot be activated, via this API, from current status

In this example, an activation request was made for a card without status "NEW". Cards cannot be activated using this endpoint if they have status codes "BLOCK", "FRAUD_BLOCK", "CLOSED", or are already "ACTIVE". To change a card marked as "BLOCK" or "FRAUD_BLOCK" back to "ACTIVE", (see Change Debit Card Status).

    "code": "extCondor",
    "subCode": "C1014",
    "context": {
        "title": "cardsActivateByToken"
    "message": "Card cannot be activated, via this API, from current status."

400 (HTTP response status code) -- Unknown Error

This error might occur for a number of reasons. In this case, an attempt was made to activate a card using only "otherIdentificationValue" as an activeAttributes property, without including the "otherIdentificationType" property to pair with it.

    "code": "extCondor",
    "subCode": "G0000",
    "context": {
        "title": "Unknown Error"
    "message": "Please contact support with error code and request id: LR-01379c08-1edb-4f34-8258-55a659c995f2"