Request URL
POST /condor/financial/credit
This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /condor endpoints, it is recommended to use /ibis endpoints. Ibis endpoints support credit-card issuing, debit-card issuing, and vAccount issuing.
This endpoint is used to request a credit to a specified debit card. The funds amount loaded onto the card must be greater than 0.
A financial credit is when money is credited to (loaded onto) the balance of the specified debit card. A financial debit is when money is debited (subtracted) from the balance of the specified debit card. Required request body properties for both financial credits and financial debits are "cardId", "amount", and "currency". Optional properties include "reference", "merchant", "transactionType", and "additionalData".
Required Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
cardId | The unique card ID in connectFi | String | "crda_1EnrcK7QgBU2030pNCaygA" |
amount | The requested credit/debit amount | Number > 0 | 560.99 |
currency | A three character ISO alphabetic code to identify the currency | String, regex pattern: "^[A-Z]{3}$" | "USD" |
Optional Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
reference | An external reference in your system (1-20 alphanumeric characters) | String, regex pattern: "^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$" | "externlCrdtId123" |
merchant | An object containing merchant properties | Object | See Merchant Object below |
additionalData | An object containing any necessary additional key:value pair properties not listed elsewhere | Object | {"someProperty" : "Property value"} |
Merchant Object:
Required Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
mcc | The merchant category code | String, regex pattern: "^\d+$" | "5813" |
mccName | Name of the mcc category | String | "Restaurant" |
mccGroup | The mcc group in which the category is included | String | "F002-Restaurant-Eating and Drinking Places" |
name | The name of the merchant | String | "Fantastic Fancy Dining" |
Optional Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
city | The city in which the merchant is located | String | "Chicago" |
region | The region in which the merchant is located | String | "Mid-West" |
countryCodeA3 | The three letter country code in which the merchant is located | String | "USA" |
Request Body
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-connectfi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request
This example request body has only the required properties.
"cardId" : "crda_1EnrcK7QgBU2030pNCaygA", //card ID in connectFi
"amount": 700.00, //amount to be credited to the card, must be greater than 0
"currency": "USD" //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
This example request body contains all required properties, plus optional properties: "reference", "merchant" object, and "transactionType".
"cardId" : "crda_1dNEursRaiIY2Kz4WNzvcw", //card ID in connectFi
"amount": 5.01, //amount to be credited to the card, must be greater than 0
"currency": "USD", //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
"reference" : "externlCrdtId123", //external reference in your system
"merchant" : {
"mcc" : "5813", //Merchant Category Code
"mccName" : "Restaurant", //Name of Merchant Category Code
"mccGroup" : "F002-Restaurant-Eating and Drinking Places", //Merchant Category Code Group
"name" : "Fantastic Fancy Dining", //Name of merchant
"city" : "Chicago", //merchant city
"region" : "Mid-West", //merchant region
"countryCodeA3" : "USA" //merchant country code
"transactionType" : "CREDIT" //transaction type (even if a more specific type of credit is indicated here, the transaction_type property in the response will still be designated "CREDIT")
Successful Response Examples
200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, the debit card was credited with the requested amount, only required request properties were used
"code": "0", //Success
"data": {
"transaction": {
"transaction_type": "CREDIT",
"amount": 700, //the amount that was credited (loaded) to the card balance
"currency_code": "USD", //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
"state": "COMPLETE", //internal status of transaction
"running_balance": 1529.72, //card balance after the current transaction
"international": false,
"transaction_datetime": "2022-10-17T15:27:49.656Z",
"additional_data": {
"fee_amount": 0
"id": "cс_20aIosKGV35ZFkAd7ef3ys", //transaction ID in connectFi
"cardId": "crda_1EnrcK7QgBU2030pNCaygA" //card ID in connectFi
200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, the card was credited with the requested amount, optional request properties "reference", "merchant" object, and "transactionType" were included.
"code": "0", //Success
"data": {
"transaction": {
"transaction_type": "CREDIT",
"amount": 5.01, //the amount that was credited (loaded) to the card balance
"currency_code": "USD", //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
"state": "COMPLETE", //internal status of transaction
"merchant": {
"mcc": 5813, //Merchant Category Code
"mcc_name": "Restaurant", //Name of Merchant Category Code
"mcc_group": "F002-Restaurant-Eating and Drinking Places", //Merchant Category Code Group
"merchant_name": "Fantastic Fancy Dining", //Name of merchant
"merchant_city": "Chicago", //merchant city
"merchant_region": "Mid-West", //merchant region
"merchant_country": "USA" //merchant country code
"running_balance": 323.78, //card balance after the current transaction
"international": false,
"transaction_datetime": "2022-10-17T18:20:12.619Z",
"additional_data": {
"fee_amount": 0
"id": "cс_2D5itp254oNp8Ejdj6wLjm", //transaction ID in connectFi
"cardId": "crda_1dNEursRaiIY2Kz4WNzvcw" //card ID in connectFi
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Numeric instance is greater than required maximum
In this example, a credit amount greater than 9999999999.99 was requested.
"code": "extCondor",
"subCode": "C1013",
"context": {
"title": "cardsCreditTransaction"
"message": "numeric instance is greater than the required maximum (maximum: 9999999999.99, found: 1E+16) for [/amount]"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- MoneyGram POS Money Load Decline
In this example, a credit amount of exactly 9999999999.99 was requested, but the card already had funds loaded. This would result in a card balance greater than the 9999999999.99 maximum.
"code": "extCondor",
"subCode": "T0003",
"context": {
"title": "cardsCreditTransaction"
"message": "MoneyGram POS Money Load Decline"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Credit amount must be greater than 0
In this example, a credit amount of 0 was requested.