If you specify a webhook URL in the /akepa/identification
endpoint, every time a transaction status changes due to a response connectFi has received from an external source (asynchronously), the system will make a single POST
call to the specified URL with the following body. You will not receive a webhook if a status change occurs in direct response to a request. For example, when testing in the sandbox, an /akepa/identification request should move an individual entity into the "pending_step_up" status if you included all of the customer fields necessary for KYC during customer initialization (/customer/init). The /akepa/identification response will contain the "pending_step_up" status, so you will not receive a webhook. Alternately, when testing the "waiting_review" status in the sandbox, after a manual review of the application is completed, you will receive a webhook to notify you of the status change because it occurred asynchronously instead of in direct response to a request.
"code": "0",
"data": {
"applicationId": "iapp_6HdIlzPVvBdPRMOLVb7BGW",
"aggregatorId": "CLIENTID",
"customerId": "cstap_5WMvWpL6XzfkmntDJeeHm2",
"reference": "extRefAk124",
"status": "completed",
"outcome": "Approved",
"entityApplications": [
"entityId": "cstap_5WMvWpL6XzfkmntDJeeHm2",
"isCustomer": true,
"status": "completed",
"outcome": "approved"
"requestId": "2e4d99a0cc3311eebb061f991c0df212"