Speak with one of our representatives to receive access to a sandbox instance URL and login credentials. All requests except login require the authorization token that is returned by a login call to /auth/get-token. This token must be copied to a header parameter named "x-connectfi-token".
Additional information on authentication/authorization can be found in the User - Get Access Token section of this documentation. A login request has the following format.
A login response includes the following parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
token | base | The base token, used as the "x-connectfi-token" header value for most requests. Use this token unless otherwise specified. | "324JvsMYYAjF36Mvbyopk01V7sQjHZDwXIcgRmAbyqLP77ywbe4QSIjE9jeIC6m7Aj" |
token | confined | The confined token, used as the "x-connectfi-token" header value only if specified in the respective endpoint documentation. | "5npCvkVfbBQ7CPgjlpq1dF3KsQZYo0x8YwLVJBEIhoLZ26iXVCoTNm3TLv3SHgOiVo" |
The following is an example authentication header.