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If you specify a webhook URL in the /check/print endpoint request, every time a check status changes, the system will make a single POST call to the specified URL with the following body:

Example 1

    "cFiCheckId": "chk_6VzsVo0j8JAC1JYTCZ2EN6", //check ID in connectFi
    "reference": "extChkRef459", //external reference ID
    "serial": "107", //Check serial number
    "amount": 11.13,
    "currency": "USD",
    "cFiAggregatorId": "CLIENTID", //Platform/Aggregator ID in connectFi
    "cFiCheckStatus": "Sent", //current check status in connectFi
    "initVoid": false, //true if a request to void the check has been initialized and immediate cancellation was not possible (request to print was already sent to bank and request to void must also be sent to bank)
    "webhookUrl": "https://your_webhook_url/extChkRef459",
    "dtsSent": "2023-04-06T15:08:40.193Z", //date the check entity was sent to the bank
    "dtsCreatedAt": "2023-04-06T15:08:29.824Z" //date the check entity was created in the database

Example 2

    "cFiCheckId": "chk_4v9MPr1yHGQOFpPXtwIXUo", //check ID in connectFi
    "reference": "extChkRef455", //external reference ID
    "serial": "103", //Check serial number
    "amount": 11.13,
    "currency": "USD",
    "cFiAggregatorId": "CLIENTID", //Platform/Aggregator ID in connectFi
    "cFiCheckStatus": "InBank", //current check status in connectFi
    "boStatus": "Received", //current check status in the back office
    "boStatusDate": "2023-3-31T15:48:46.1133333",
    "boDatePrinted": "2023-3-31T00:00:00", //date that the check was printed
    "boTracking": "8416846157", //back office tracking number
    "initVoid": false, //true if a request to void the check has been initialized and immediate cancellation was not possible (request to print was already sent to bank and request to void must also be sent to bank)
    "webhookUrl": "https://your_webhook_url/extChkRef455",
    "dtsSent": "2023-04-06T14:32:40.969Z", //date the check entity was sent to the bank
    "dtsCreatedAt": "2023-04-06T14:30:28.606Z" //date the check entity was created in the database