A beneficiary represents a destination to which funds may be transferred. Beneficiaries may include various types of external accounts such as other banks, wire transfers, Paypal, etc. The API calls at this endpoint manage beneficiaries.
Beneficiary Object
The ampliFi API represents a beneficiary by a JSON object. The elements of the record describing each beneficiary depend on the transaction type to be used with that destination. The transaction type is identified by the element txnType
. The properties that may appear in a beneficiary object are shown in the following table.
Property | Description | Schema | Example Values |
txnType | Type of transaction for this beneficiary (see table below) | string | see table below |
AFiBeneficiaryId | ampliFi ID of the beneficiary | string | "qwepgbenlq15j9s8sw" |
AFiUserId | ID of the current user | string | "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc" |
name | Nickname for the beneficiary in ampliFi | string | "Account1" |
defaultAmount | Default transfer amount, if any | number | 20.00 |
defaultCurrency | 3-letter currency designator for default amount | string | "USD" |
status | Current status of beneficiary, such as "active" | string | "Pending" |
dtsCreated | Date/time beneficiary was created | dts | "2023-12-11T16:52:30.152Z" |
isActive | true if the beneficiary is active | boolean | true or false |
isFavourite | true if the beneficiary is designated a favorite | boolean | true or false |
isDeleted | true if the beneficiary has been deleted | boolean | true or false |
typeName | Type of transaction in ampliFi | string | "USA interbank transfer" |
type | Type of account, if applicable | string | "CHECKING" |
destinationName | Name on the destination account, for USA ACH transfers, USA wire transfers, and international wire transfers | string | "John Doe" |
bankName | Name of the destination bank, for USA ACH and wire transfers | string | "Citi" |
routingNumber | Destination routing number, for USA ACH and wire transfers | number | "123456789" |
accountNumber | Destination account number, for USA ACH and wire transfers | number | "1234567890123456" |
bic | Bank ID Code for international wire transfers | string | "someBIC" |
iban | International Bank Account ID for international wire transfers | string | "someIBAN |
paypalId | PayPal ID, for PayPal transfers | string | "paypal@email.test" |
destinationFirstName | First name on the destination account, for transfer to card | string | "John" |
destinationLastName | Last name on the destination account, for transfer to card | string | "Doe" |
destinationPAN | PAN, for transfer to card | string | "1234567890123456" |
expiryYYYYMM | Expiration date, for transfer to card | string | "202905" |
legalName | name for the beneficiary, for paper checks | string | "John Doe" |
address | address object, for paper checks (see below) | object | address object |