Beneficiary Reference
The beneficiaries array can contain multiple instances of the Beneficiary class. TheM.beneficiaries[0]
refers to the first beneficiary belonging to the user. If multiple beneficiaries exist, TheM.beneficiaries[0]
could be replaced by TheM.beneficiaries[1]
, TheM.beneficiaries[2]
, etc. Alternatively, you could reference the beneficiary based on the AFiBeneficiaryId, replacing TheM.beneficiaries[0]
with TheM.beneficiaries['PUT_AFiBeneficiaryId_HERE']
or TheM.beneficiaries.beneficiary('PUT_AFiBeneficiaryId_HERE')
A new instance of the Beneficiary class is initialized when a modelBank beneficiaries pushed
event occurs. A new beneficiary can also be created using await (TheM.beneficiaries.newTempBeneficiary(givenTxnType, given)).doSubmit(givenProperties)
, where a temporary Beneficiary instance is first created and then submitted to the server. The Beneficiary class is extendable and a Beneficiary instance may be specific to a particular transaction type (txnType). For each Beneficiary instance, there is an associated transactions array containing Transaction instances for transfers to and from the beneficiary, if any exist. The properties and methods of the Beneficiary class can be referenced by specifying the beneficiary, followed by the property or method name, like TheM.beneficiaries['PUT_AFiBeneficiaryId_HERE'].AFiBeneficiaryId. See the ampliFi SDK Beneficiary class extensions documentation (BeneficiaryUSA Reference, BeneficiaryUSA_wire Reference, etc.), as well as the PUT /beneficiaries endpoint documentation in ampliFi MODULES for more information on required properties for specific beneficiaries, dependent on txnType.
const newBeneficiary = TheM.beneficiaries.newTempBeneficiary(givenTxnType, {//beneficiary properties});
await newBeneficiary.doSubmit(givenProperties);
//This is an example of one type of beneficiary
const newBeneficiary = TheM.beneficiaries.newTempBeneficiary('USA', {
txnType: 'USA',
name: 'ACH Payee',
bankName: 'Citibank NA', //specific to ACH transaction type
destinationName: 'Receiving account title', //specific to ACH transaction type
accountNumber: '1234567890123456', //specific to ACH transaction type
routingNumber: '123456789', //specific to ACH transaction type
defaultAmount: 20,
narrativeDebit: 'ACH payment',
isFavourite: true,
type: 'CHECKING' //specific to ACH transaction type
await newBeneficiary.doSubmit({});
Property table for Beneficiary
Property | Description | Required | Schema |
AFiBeneficiaryId | Gets (returns) the beneficiary ID in ampliFi. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].AFiBeneficiaryId", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) the beneficiary ID in ampliFi.", "examples": [ "testpgbenlxuma31jlu" ], "nullable": false } |
beneficiaryId | Gets (returns) the beneficiary ID in ampliFi. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].beneficiaryId", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) the beneficiary ID in ampliFi.", "examples": [ "testpgbenlxuma31jlu" ] } |
AFiPayeeId | Gets (returns) or sets the payee ID in ampliFi associated with this beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].AFiPayeeId", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the payee ID in ampliFi associated with this beneficiary.", "examples": [ "3gzvss70aqhkjh0gcmwz6fr6eutmzmf8" ], "nullable": true } |
AFiUserId | Gets (returns) the user ID in ampliFi. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].AFiUserId", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) the user ID in ampliFi.", "examples": [ "testaurlx8wfimcrw" ], "nullable": false } |
backOfficeId | Gets the back-office ID associated with this beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].backOfficeId", "type": "string", "description": "Gets the back-office ID associated with this beneficiary.", "examples": [ "connectFiBOIS" ] } |
backOfficeName | Gets (returns) the name of the back-office associated with this beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].backOfficeName", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) the name of the back-office associated with this beneficiary.", "examples": [ "connectFiBOIS" ] } |
backOffices | Gets (returns) an array of the back-offices associated with this beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].backOfficeName", "type": "array", "description": "Gets (returns) an array of the back-offices associated with this beneficiary.", "examples": [ [ { "AFiBeneficiaryId": "testpgbenlxuma31jlu", "backOfficeId": "connectFiBOIS", "backOfficeName": "connectFiBOIS" } ] ] } |
name | Gets (returns) or sets the nickname associated with this beneficiary. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].name", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the nickname associated with this beneficiary.", "examples": [ "ACH Payee Account" ], "nullable": false } |
defaultSourceAccountId | Gets (returns) or sets the account ID associated with the default source account in ampliFi to use when making transfers to this beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].defaultSourceAccountId ", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the account ID associated with the default source account in ampliFi to use when making transfers to this beneficiary.", "examples": [ null ], "nullable": true } |
defaultAmount | Gets (returns) or sets the default amount to use when making a transfer to this beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].defaultAmount", "type": "number", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the default amount to use when making a transfer to this beneficiary.", "examples": [ 20, 100.5, 250.01 ], "default": 0 } |
defaultCurrency | Gets (returns) or sets the default currency to use when making a transfer to this beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].defaultCurrency", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the default currency to use when making a transfer to this beneficiary.", "examples": [ "USD" ], "default": "USD" } |
imageBase64 | Gets (returns) or sets the image associated with the beneficiary in base 64 format. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].imageBase64", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the image associated with the beneficiary in base 64 format.", "examples": [ "VeryLongBase64ImageString" ], "nullable": true } |
status | Gets (returns) the current beneficiary status. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].status", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) the current beneficiary status.", "examples": [ "Pending", "Active" ], "default": "Pending" } |
transactions | Gets (returns) an array of transactions for the past 180 days to and from this beneficary across all of the user's accounts. Each transaction, if any exist, is an instance of the Transaction class. Beneficiary transaction instances may have txnType and beneficiary specific properties in addition to the base Transaction class properties. Common additional beneficiary transaction properties include AFiBeneficiaryId, beneficiary (a reference to the corresponding beneficiary instance), and beneficiaryName. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].transactions", "type": "array", "description": "Gets (returns) an array of transactions for the past 180 days to and from this beneficary across all of the user's accounts. Each transaction, if any exist, is an instance of the Transaction class. Beneficiary transaction instances may have txnType and beneficiary specific properties in addition to the base Transaction class properties. Common additional beneficiary transaction properties include AFiBeneficiaryId, beneficiary (a reference to the corresponding beneficiary instance), and beneficiaryName.", "examples": [ [ { "AFiAccountId": "testgalx8wfq4sqfgb", "AFiUserId": "testaurlx8wfimcrw", "arn": "0000000000000006LBor", "dtsAtMerchant": "Mon Jun 10 2024 07:37:55 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)", "dtsRecorded": "Mon Jun 10 2024 07:38:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)", "fee": 0, "internal": {}, "is3DSecure": false, "isComplete": true, "isDigitalWalletTrans": false, "isPaymentTrans": true, "isRecurring": false, "reference": "testrr8wgyjgssximb", "transactionIdBO": "F2167329415", "transactionState": "complete", "typeName": "", "amount": 10, "attachments": {}, "attachmentsArray": [], "credit": 10, "currency": "USD", "debit": 0, "dtsBooked": "Mon Jun 10 2024 07:37:55 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)", "dtsValue": "Mon Jun 10 2024 07:37:55 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)", "isBlacklistable": false, "isWhitelistable": false, "narrative": "🎁 Welcome bonus", "newBalance": null, "transactionId": "dcuosrklcjxpyzxagroxbbrspacuhiecwfzltzke", "txnType": "credit", "toJSON": {}, "AFiBeneficiaryId": "testpgbenlxuma31jlu", "beneficiaryName": "ACH Payee Account", "beneficiary": {} } ] ], "default": [] } |
txnType | Gets (returns) the type of transaction that is used for transfers to this beneficiary. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].txnType", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) the type of transaction that is used for transfers to this beneficiary.", "examples": [ "default", "USA", "USA_wire", "paypal", "cheque", "tocard" ], "nullable": false } |
validationMessage | Gets (returns) or sets a validation message if the beneficiary has invalid or missing properties. Required properties and corresponding validation messages are dependent on the txnType used when making transfers to the beneficiary. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].validationMessage", "type": "string", "nullable": true, "default": "", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets a validation message if the beneficiary has invalid or missing properties. Required properties and corresponding validation messages are dependent on the txnType used when making transfers to the beneficiary.", "$comment": "getter setter", "examples": [ "Enter the account title", "Enter the bank name", "Enter the routing number", "Enter the full 9-digit routing number", "Enter the account number", "Enter the full account number", "Pick the account type", "Enter the address line 1", "Enter the city", "Enter the postal code", "Enter the card number" ] } |
toJSON | Gets (returns) the beneficary properties in a JSON formatted object. The properties present may depend on the transaction type (txnType) used when making transfers to this beneficiary. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].toJSON", "type": "object", "description": "Gets (returns) the beneficary properties in a JSON formatted object. The properties present may depend on the transaction type (txnType) used when making transfers to this beneficiary.", "examples": [ { "AFiBeneficiaryId": "testpgbenlxuma31jlu", "AFiPayeeId": "3gzvss70aqhkjh0gcmwz6fr6eutmzmf8", "accountNumber": "1234567890123456", "routingNumber": "123456789", "bankName": "Citibank NA", "defaultAmount": 20, "destinationName": "Receiving account title", "isActive": true, "isBusiness": false, "isFavourite": true, "isHidden": false, "name": "ACH Payee Account", "narrativeDebit": "ACH payment", "status": "Active", "txnType": "USA", "type": "CHECKING", "imageBase64": "Very_Long_Base64_Image_String", "dtsCreated": "2024-06-28T11:12:10.053Z" } ], "nullable": false } |
isBusiness | Gets (returns) or sets true if this beneficary is a business. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].isBusiness", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets true if this beneficary is a business.", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
isFavourite | Gets (returns) or sets true if this beneficary is marked as a favorite. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].isFavourite", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets true if this beneficary is marked as a favorite.", "examples": [ true, false ], "nullable": true } |
isPaying | Gets (returns) true if this if a payment to this beneficiary is currently processing. The UI is responsible for ensuring that new payments are not allowed if a payment is currently being processed. | No | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].isPaying", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if this if a payment to this beneficiary is currently processing. The UI is responsible for ensuring that new payments are not allowed if a payment is currently being processed.", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
isValid | Gets (returns) true if all the required beneficiary details are present. All Beneficiary instances require the name property to be considered valid. Additional required properties depend on the txnType for the beneficiary. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].isValid", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if all the required beneficiary details are present. All Beneficiary instances require the name property to be considered valid. Additional required properties depend on the txnType for the beneficiary.", "examples": [ true, false ], "nullable": false } |
dtsCreated | Gets (returns) the date that the beneficiary was created. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.beneficiaries[0].dtsCreated", "type": "Date", "description": "Gets (returns) the date that the beneficiary was created.", "examples": [ "Fri Jun 28 2024 07:12:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)" ], "nullable": false } |
Method Name | Parameter Descriptions | Description | Example |
doDelete | [] |
Calls the DELETE /beneficiaries/:AFiBeneficiaryId endpoint in ampliFi in order to delete the beneficiary. If successful, a 'modelBank beneficiary deleted' event will occur. | TheM.beneficiaries[0].doDelete(); |
doPay | [ |
Calls the POST /transfer/acc2ben/:AFiBeneficiaryId endpoint in ampliFi in order to make a payment from the user's main account in ampliFi to the beneficiary using the transfer method configured for this beneficiary (txnType). | TheM.beneficiaries[0].doPay({); |
doSubmit | [] |
The doSubmit method is only available on a newly created beneficiary initialized through a TheM.beneficiaries.newTempBeneficiary(givenTxnType, given = {}) call. This method will submit the newly created temporary beneficiary to the server in a PUT /beneficiaries ampliFi endpoint request. | (TheM.beneficiaries.newTempBeneficiary(givenTxnType, given = {})).doSubmit(); |
Submodule Name | Link |
Transaction | Transaction Reference |