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Cheque Reference


A Cheque class instance or 'cheque' refers to an object representing a paper check, and the cheques array can contain multiple instances of the Cheque class. TheM.cheques[0] refers to the first check belonging to the user. If multiple checks exist, TheM.cheques[0] could be replaced by TheM.cheques[1], TheM.cheques[2], etc. Alternatively, you could reference the check based on the AFiChequeId, replacing TheM.cheques[0] with TheM.cheques['PUT_AFiChequeId_HERE'] or TheM.cheques.cheque('PUT_AFiChequeId_HERE').

A new instance of the Cheque class is initialized when a modelBank cheques pushed event occurs, as well as when a new check is added via a TheM.cheques.newTempCheque call. The properties and methods of the Cheque class can be referenced by specifying the check, followed by the property or method name, like TheM.cheques['PUT_AFiChequeId_HERE'].AFiChequeId.

//A new instance of the Cheque class is instantiated automatically when a new check is added via a TheM.cheques.newTempCheque call.


const checkEntity = TheM.cheques.newTempCheque;


Property table for Cheque

Property Description Required Schema
AFiChequeId Gets (returns) the cheque ID in ampliFi. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].AFiChequeId",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the cheque ID in
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
imgFront Gets (returns) or sets the image associated with the front side of the paper check in base 64 format. When a check image is set, an attempt to deliver the image to the server will automatically occur. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].imgFront",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the image
associated with the front side of the paper check in
base 64 format. When a check image is set, an attempt
to deliver the image to the server will
automatically occur.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter setter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
imgBack Gets (returns) or sets the image associated with the back side of the paper check in base 64 format. When a check image is set, an attempt to deliver the image to the server will automatically occur. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].imgBack",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the image
associated with the back side of the paper check in
base 64 format. When a check image is set, an attempt
to deliver the image to the server will
automatically occur.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter setter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
thumbFront Gets (returns) or sets the image associated with the thumbnail image of the front side of the paper check in base 64 format. When a check image is set, an attempt to deliver the image to the server will automatically occur. No {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].thumbFront",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the image
associated with the thumbnail image of the front
side of the paper check in base 64 format. When a check
image is set, an attempt to deliver the image to the
server will automatically occur.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter setter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": true
thumbBack Gets (returns) or sets the image associated with the thumbnail image of the back side of the paper check in base 64 format. When a check image is set, an attempt to deliver the image to the server will automatically occur. No {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].thumbBack",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the image
associated with the thumbnail image of the back side
of the paper check in base 64 format. When a check
image is set, an attempt to deliver the image to the
server will automatically occur.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter setter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": true
amount Gets (returns) or sets the amount of the paper check. Must be a number greater than 0 up to 2 decimal places. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].amount",
  "type": "number",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the amount
of the paper check. Must be a number greater than 0 up
to 2 decimal places.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter setter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
currency Gets (returns) or sets the 3 character currency code. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].currency",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the 3
character currency code.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter setter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
toJSON Gets (returns) the Cheque properties in a JSON formatted object. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].toJSON",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the Cheque
properties in a JSON formatted object.",
  "examples": [
      "amount": 10.01,
      "currency": "USD",
      "dtsCreated": "2024-07-15T17:02:41.567Z",
      "dtsModified": "2024-07-15T17:02:41.567Z",
      "dtsProcessed": "2024-07-15T17:02:41.567Z",
      "isAccepted": false,
      "isCredited": false,
      "isDeleted": false,
      "isDelivered": true,
      "isDeliveredBack": true,
      "isDeliveredFront": true,
      "isDelivering": false,
      "isPendingApproval": false,
      "isSyncedToServer": true
  "nullable": false
isAccepted Gets (returns) true if the check has been accepted. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].isAccepted",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if the check
has been accepted.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": false,
  "nullable": false
isCredited Gets (returns) true if the check has been credited. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].isCredited",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if the check
has been credited.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": false,
  "nullable": false
isDelivered Gets (returns) true if both the front and back images of the check have been delivered to the server. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].isDelivered",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if both the
front and back images of the check have been
delivered to the server.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": false,
  "nullable": false
isDelivering Gets (returns) true if either the front image or the back image of the check is currently being delivered to the server. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].isDelivering",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if either the
front image or the back image of the check is
currently being delivered to the server.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": false,
  "nullable": false
isPendingApproval Gets (returns) true if the check has not yet been approved. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].isPendingApproval",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if the check
has not yet been approved.",
  "$comment": "enumerable getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": false,
  "nullable": false
isSyncedToServer Gets (returns) true if the check has been synced to the server. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].isSyncedToServer",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if the check
has been synced to the server.",
  "$comment": "getter",
  "examples": [
  "default": false,
  "nullable": false
isValid Gets (returns) true if all the required check details are present. All Cheque instances require an amount, a currency, an imgFront, an imgBack, and an AFiChequeId (automatically generated) to be considered valid. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].isValid",
  "type": "boolean",
  "description": "Gets (returns) true if all the
required check details are present. All Cheque
instances require an amount, a currency, an
imgFront, an imgBack, and an AFiChequeId
(automatically generated) to be considered
  "$comment": "getter",
  "examples": [
  "nullable": false
dtsCreated Gets (returns) the date that the check was created. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].dtsCreated",
  "type": "Date",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the date that the
check was created.",
  "examples": [
    "Mon Jul 15 2024 13:02:41 GMT-0400 (Eastern
Daylight Time)"
  "nullable": false
dtsModified Gets (returns) the date that the check was last modified. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].dtsModified",
  "type": "Date",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the date that the
check was last modified.",
  "examples": [
    "Mon Jul 15 2024 13:02:41 GMT-0400 (Eastern
Daylight Time)"
  "nullable": false
dtsProcessed Gets (returns) the date that the check was processed. Yes {
  "title": "TheM.cheques[0].dtsProcessed",
  "type": "Date",
  "description": "Gets (returns) the date that the
check was processed.",
  "examples": [
    "Mon Jul 15 2024 13:02:41 GMT-0400 (Eastern
Daylight Time)"
  "nullable": false