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Request URL

POST /condor/customer/create (deprecated)


This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /condor endpoints, it is recommended to use /ibis endpoints. Ibis endpoints support credit-card issuing, debit-card issuing, and vAccount issuing.

This endpoint initializes a debit card and a checking account for an existing connectFi customer who has completed the KYC (Know Your Customer) or KYB (Know Your Business) approval process. The KYC/KYB status of the connectFi customer must be marked as "APPROVED" before this request can successfully be completed. This request can only be made one time per customer. Multiple requests using the same connectFi customer ID will result in an error indicating that the specified debit card customer already exists in the connectFi system. Note that requests to this endpoint for "APPROVED" connectFi customers do not alter the customerId, but it will:

  • Create a checking account for the connectFi customer, example account ID: "acca_dR4cAgLuv0naFhswOcZcI"
  • Issue a debit card associated with the new account for the connectFi customer, example debit card ID: "crda_5k11BrCFFq5BQX5VV2AnSU"
  • Enable the use of other /condor endpoint requests (/condor/customer/create is a prerequisite request for all other /condor endpoints).
Required Properties Description Schema Example Values
customerId Customer ID in connectFi String "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8"
Optional Properties Description Schema Example Values
cardAttributes Attributes of the card that will be assigned to the customer Object See cardAttributes Object below

cardAttributes Object

Required Properties Description Schema Example Values
productID Product ID of card which will specify what type of debit card is being issued (this could be a physical debit card or a virtual debit card.) The productID (also referred to as program_id) will be specific to your products that are offered through this endpoint. String "Virtual_Debit_Card"
nameOnCard Full customer name that will appear on the card String "JESSIE U TESTMAN"
designId An ID representing the design chosen for the card String "1"
addressType Type of address String "PRIMARY" or "SECONDARY"
issueType Description identifying issue category of card String "NEW", "REGISTRATION", "RE-ISSUE", "EXPIRED", or "DAMAGED"
Optional Properties Description Schema Example Values
reference An external alphanumeric reference ID (1-20 characters) for the card in your system String, regex pattern "^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$" "externalCrdId1234"
cardShippingMethod Shipping method chosen for card String "Standard"
additionalData An object containing any necessary additional key:value pair properties not listed elsewhere Object {"someProperty" : "Property value"}

Request Body


    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "x-connectfi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request


    "customerId" : "csta_MlNTVaPPqdvvl1swwSGbC", //customer ID in connectFi
    "cardAttributes" : { //optional object specifying desired card attributes
        "productID" : "Virtual_Debit_Card",
        "nameOnCard" : "JESSIE U TESTMAN",
        "designId" : "1",
        "addressType": "PRIMARY",
        "issueType" : "NEW", //default "NEW"
        "reference" : "externalCrdId1234",
        "cardShippingMethod" : "Standard",
        "additionalData" : {
            "someProperty" : "Property value"

Successful Response Example

200 (HTTP response status code) -- Debit card was created, along with a corresponding checking account

    "code": "0", //Success
    "data": {
        "reference": "222236133", //unique external reference in your system
        "customerId": "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8", //customer ID in connectFi
        "customerType": "individual", //or "business"
        "customer": {  //customer object: firstName, lastName, gender, dateOfBirth, email, addresses, phones, identificationDocuments, etc.
            "firstName": "Jessie",
            "lastName": "Testman",
            "gender": "M",
            "dateOfBirth": "1978-10-15",
            "email": "",
            "addresses": [
                    "type": "PRIMARY",
                    "addressLine1": "123 Some Str.",
                    "city": "Mycityname",
                    "countryCodeA3": "USA",
                    "postalCode": "#####", //a postal code, ##### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
                    "stateCode": "PA"
            "phones": [
                    "type": "MOBILE",
                    "phoneNumber": "##########", //a phone number, "##########", is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
                    "countryDialingCode": "01"
            "identificationDocuments": [
                    "type": "SSN",
                    "value": "#########", //a 9 digit Social Security Number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
                    "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA"
                    "type": "DRIVING LICENSE",
                    "value": "#########", //a Driver's License Number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
                    "issuanceCountryCodeA3": "USA",
                    "issuanceRegion": "Pennsylvania",
                    "expiryDate": "2023-04-08"
        "kycStatus": "APPROVED", //KYC/KYB status must be "APPROVED" to make a /condor/customer/create request
        "boises": [
        "dtsCreatedAt": "2022-10-25T15:50:48.841Z",
        "cards": [ //all cards of the customer
                "id": "crda_5k11BrCFFq5BQX5VV2AnSU", //card ID in connectFi
                "cFiBoisId": "condor", //backend system which keeps the account
                "customerId": "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8", //customer ID in connectFi
                "cFiAccountIds": [
                    "acca_dR4cAgLuv0naFhswOcZcI" //customer account ID
        "accounts": [ //all accounts of the customer
                "id": "acca_dR4cAgLuv0naFhswOcZcI", //customer account ID
                "cFiBoisId": "condor", //backend system which keeps the account
                "accountNumber": "##############", //customer checking account number, ############## is used as  a placeholder for documentation purposes
                "customerId": "csta_13ne82vRMHkf3vBuq9zWj6", //customer ID in connectFi
                "cFiCardIds": [ //list of ids of cards linked to the account
                    "crda_24JI1uyHYLr73dr7OsU4ta" //card ID in connectFi
                "routingParams": { //additional account parameters
                    "routingNumber": "#########" //a US ABA account routing number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes

US accounts get routingParams.routingNumber attribute. Accounts opened in other jurisdictions may have other attributes.


400 (HTTP response status code) -- Customer already exists

In this example, a duplicate request was made for a connectFi customer that already has an account and debit card initialized through the /condor/customer/create endpoint.

    "code": "condorCustomerExist",
    "message": "Condor Customer Exist" // cannot have duplicates
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Bad KYC (Know Your Customer)/KYB (Know Your Business) status

In this example, an existing connectFi customerId was used, but the KYC/KYB status for this customer has not yet been "APPROVED". The customer KYC/KYB status must be "APPROVED" before opening a debit card account. Check customer KYC/KYB status by making a GET /customer/kyc/status/:customerId request. If KYC/KYB status is "PENDING", no action is required on your part and you should wait for the status to update to "APPROVED" before re-attempting the /condor/customer/create request. If the KYC/KYB status is "WAITING-DATA", then additional attributes or document images are expected and action is required before re-attempting the /condor/customer/create request. (See status).

    "code": "badKYCStatus", //or badKYBStatus
    "message": "For create customer KYC status must have APPROVED" //or KYB status