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A customer represents an individual or business (organization) end user. A customer entity is required in order to perform KYC/KYB, as well as for card and/or vAccount issuing.

Individual Customers

An individual customer is a private individual. These individuals can be issued personal vAccounts, debit cards, and credit cards. In addition, an individual customer can be added to a business customer as an employee. An individual who has been added as a business employee can be designated as a card or account holder for business cards/vAccounts as well as for their own personal cards/vAccounts.

Know Your Customer (KYC) identification is an optional service available for individual customers. It is your (the client's) responsibility to ensure that KYC has been performed successfully before issuing cards or accounts, if necessary. The KYC identification process can be run multiple times on the same customer. A possible use case for multiple KYC processes on the same individual could include:

  • An individual has been registered in connectFi as a customer. This individual is also added to a business customer as an employee. Prior to issuing personal debit or credit cards, the KYC process is run successfully. Later, the business customer would like to issue the employee a business debit card. You may choose to run the KYC process again, if desired.

Business Customers

A business customer represents an organization. A business customer is represented by an object containing details for both the business entity and the organization's primary business representatives. The term business representative refers to an entity that is specifically designated as a principal owner or authorized signer for the business. In addition, you may add individual customers to a business object as employees using the /customer/add-employee endpoint. Business customers may be issued vAccounts and debit cards using either an associated business representative or employee as the card or account holder.

Know Your Business (KYB) identification is an optional service available for business customers. It is your (the client's) responsibility to ensure that KYB has been performed successfully before issuing cards or accounts, if necessary. The KYB identification process can be run multiple times on the same customer.

If you choose to perform KYB on a business customer, both the business entity and the business representative entity(ies) must pass in order to have a successful result. You may need to upload documents such as a driver's license for each business representative. More information is available in the KYC/KYB documentation.