Check Printing Service Critical Errors
Error Code | Label | Description | Context | Status |
checkFilter | The check filter cannot have both references and cFiCheckIds. |
Please use either the references property or the cFiCheckIds property, but not both. |
undefined | 400 |
checkFlagAsVoidError | There was an issue flagging the check entity as voided in the database. |
Contact support regarding this void request. An error occurred when flagging this check to be voided. Context: cFiCheckId - A check ID in connectFi |
{ |
500 |
checkSettlementAccountForCheckPrint | Aggregator doesn't have settlementAccountForCheckPrint attribute. |
Contact support to request settlementAccountForCheckPrint attribute. Context: cFiAggregatorId - An aggregator ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
cannotVoidError | Сan not void. | Checks can only be voided when in statuses Sent, InBank, Complete, Processing. Context: cFiCheckStatus |
{ |
400 |
checkNotFound | Check not found. | Check the check ID to make sure it is valid and exists. Context: cFiCheckId - a check ID in connectFi |
{ |
400 |
duplicateVoidError | Request to void or cancel check has already been initiated. |
Duplicate void request was attempted. Context: cFiCheckId - a check ID in connectFi cFiCheckStatus - current check status cFiVoidStatus - current void status |
{ |
400 |
Error Examples
Error Description | Parameters/Request Body | Response Body |
400 check/print requestValidateError -Must be greater than allowed minimum | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "extChkRef701", "checkAttributes": { "amount": -1.01, "currency": "USD", "returnAddress": { "addressLine1": "Platform Name, ATTN: Employee", "addressLine2": "100 Unicorn St", "addressLine3": "San Francisco, CA 94103" }, "payerName": "Jim Payer", "payerAddress": { "addressLine1": "3700 Loon Rd", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345-1234" }, "payeeName": "Xcel Energy", "payeeAddress": { "addressLine1": "414 Nicollet Mall", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345" }, "platformNumber": "+1 (555) 666-7777", "memo": "Electricity payment" }, "webhookUrl": "https://your_webhook_url/extChkRef701" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "fe8c0a80797111eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/checkAttributes/amount", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/amount/exclusiveMin imum", "keyword": "exclusiveMinimum", "params": { "comparison": ">", "limit": 0 }, "message": "must be > 0" } ] } |
400 check/print requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "checkAttributes": { "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "returnAddress": { "addressLine1": "Platform Name, ATTN: Employee", "addressLine2": "100 Unicorn St", "addressLine3": "San Francisco, CA 94103" }, "payerName": "Jim Payer", "payerAddress": { "addressLine1": "3700 Loon Rd", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345-1234" }, "payeeName": "Xcel Energy", "payeeAddress": { "addressLine1": "414 Nicollet Mall", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345" }, "platformNumber": "+1 (555) 666-7777", "memo": "Electricity payment" }, "webhookUrl": "https://your_webhook_url/" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "11b56fc0797211eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "reference" }, "message": "must have required property 'reference'" } ] } |
400 check/print referenceExists Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "extChkRef702", "checkAttributes": { "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "returnAddress": { "addressLine1": "Platform Name, ATTN: Employee", "addressLine2": "100 Unicorn St", "addressLine3": "San Francisco, CA 94103" }, "payerName": "Jim Payer", "payerAddress": { "addressLine1": "3700 Loon Rd", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345-1234" }, "payeeName": "Xcel Energy", "payeeAddress": { "addressLine1": "414 Nicollet Mall", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345" }, "platformNumber": "+1 (555) 666-7777", "memo": "Electricity payment" }, "webhookUrl": "https://your_webhook_url/extChkRef702" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "c4c9dcc081a311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "referenceExists", "context": { "entityId": "chk_10Yr0skuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "reference": "extChkRef702" }, "message": "Reference already exists." } |
400 check/print checkSettlementAccountForCheckPrint Error | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "extChkRef702", "checkAttributes": { "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "returnAddress": { "addressLine1": "Platform Name, ATTN: Employee", "addressLine2": "100 Unicorn St", "addressLine3": "San Francisco, CA 94103" }, "payerName": "Jim Payer", "payerAddress": { "addressLine1": "3700 Loon Rd", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345-1234" }, "payeeName": "Xcel Energy", "payeeAddress": { "addressLine1": "414 Nicollet Mall", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345" }, "platformNumber": "+1 (555) 666-7777", "memo": "Electricity payment" }, "webhookUrl": "https://your_webhook_url/extChkRef702" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "13851b0020af11eea8ea56da8a866870", "code": "checkSettlementAccountForCheckPrint", "context": { "cFiAggregatorId": "CLIENTID" }, "message": "Aggregator doesn't have settlementAccountForCheckPrint attribute." } |
400 check/print requestValidateError - Must not have greater than allowed max length | REQUEST BODY { "reference": "extChkRef703", "checkAttributes": { "amount": 1.01, "currency": "USD", "returnAddress": { "addressLine1": "Platform Name, ATTN: Employeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ", "addressLine2": "100 Unicorn St", "addressLine3": "San Francisco, CA 94103" }, "payerName": "Jim Payer", "payerAddress": { "addressLine1": "3700 Loon Rd", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345-1234" }, "payeeName": "Xcel Energy", "payeeAddress": { "addressLine1": "414 Nicollet Mall", "city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "postalCode": "12345" }, "platformNumber": "+1 (555) 666-7777", "memo": "Electricity payment" }, "webhookUrl": "https://your_webhook_url/extChkRef703" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "e8bce55081a311ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/checkAttributes/returnAddress/addressL ine1", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/commonStr50Req/maxL ength", "keyword": "maxLength", "params": { "limit": 50 }, "message": "must NOT have more than 50 characters" } ] } |
400 check/get/:checkId checkNotFound Error | PARAMETERS checkId:unknownId [required] |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "84bc9c50797211eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "checkNotFound", "context": { "cFiCheckId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Check not found." } |
400 check/get/:checkId requestValidateError - Must match pattern | PARAMETERS checkId: [required] |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "97d38b00797211eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/checkId", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/id/pattern", "keyword": "pattern", "params": { "pattern": "^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$" }, "message": "must match pattern \"^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$\"" } ] } |
400 check/list requestValidateError - Must be an allowed value | REQUEST BODY { "dateCreateFrom": "2023-01-15T00:00:00.001Z", "dateCreateTo": "2999-12-15T23:59:59.999Z", "status": "OtherStatus", "numberOfRecords": 1000, "skipRecords": 0 } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "c10818b0797211eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/status", "schemaPath": "#/properties/status/enum", "keyword": "enum", "params": { "allowedValues": [ "Processing", "Sent", "Complete", "Cancelled", "Declined", "InBank", "Unknown" ] }, "message": "must be equal to one of the allowed values" } ] } |
400 check/list greaterNumberOfRecords Error | REQUEST BODY { "dateCreateFrom": "2023-01-15T00:00:00.001Z", "dateCreateTo": "2999-12-15T23:59:59.999Z", "status": "Sent", "numberOfRecords": 1001, "skipRecords": 0 } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "da8e3710797211eeb5658f28ab5fe311", "code": "greaterNumberOfRecords", "context": { "maxNumberOfRecords": 1000 }, "message": "The numberOfRecords field is greater than the request limit" } |
400 check/query requestValidateError - Must not have both references and cFiCheckIds | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCheckIds": ["chk_10Yr0skuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs"], "references": ["extChkRef702", "extChkRef700"] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "dc4a4aa081a411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "references" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "cFiCheckIds" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 check/query requestValidateError - Must not have fewer than allowed minimum characters | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCheckIds": ["chk_10Yr0skuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", ""] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "ec19615081a411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/cFiCheckIds/1", "schemaPath": "common#/definitions/id/minLength", "keyword": "minLength", "params": { "limit": 1 }, "message": "must NOT have fewer than 1 characters" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "references" }, "message": "must have required property 'references'" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 check/query requestValidateError - Must not have fewer than allowed minimum items | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCheckIds": [] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "fba0c0a081a411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/cFiCheckIds", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/properties/cFiCheckIds/minIte ms", "keyword": "minItems", "params": { "limit": 1 }, "message": "must NOT have fewer than 1 items" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "references" }, "message": "must have required property 'references'" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 check/query requestValidateError - Must not have greater than allowed max items | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCheckIds": ["chk_10Yr0skuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs","chk_10Yr0s kuZ8NUX1wPG06MNA", "chk_6UxgKofyzcMWdSjbZlMMZs"] } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "1ea4873081a511ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "/cFiCheckIds", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/0/properties/cFiCheckIds/maxIte ms", "keyword": "maxItems", "params": { "limit": 20 }, "message": "must NOT have more than 20 items" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf/1/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "references" }, "message": "must have required property 'references'" }, { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/oneOf", "keyword": "oneOf", "params": { "passingSchemas": null }, "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" } ] } |
400 check/void checkNotFound Error | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCheckId": "unknownId", "reason": "Lost the check" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "239c4e9081a411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "checkNotFound", "context": { "cFiCheckId": "unknownId" }, "message": "Check not found." } |
400 check/void duplicateVoidError Error | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCheckId": "chk_3cjSsIGwCA0kLgiK2Sent1", "reason": "Lost the check" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "5de7400081a411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "duplicateVoidError", "context": { "cFiCheckId": "chk_3cjSsIGwCA0kLgiK2Sent1", "cFiCheckStatus": "Sent", "cFiVoidStatus": "Processing" }, "message": "Request to void or cancel check has already been initiated." } |
400 check/void cannotVoidError Error | REQUEST BODY { "cFiCheckId": "chk_3vreTrKhcecncPKtZzNsT8", "reason": "Lost the check" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "9ac649d081a411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "cannotVoidError", "context": { "cFiCheckStatus": "Cancelled" }, "message": "Сan not void." } |
400 check/void requestValidateError - Missing required property | REQUEST BODY { "reason": "Lost the check" } |
RESPONSE BODY { "requestId": "b402dc1081a411ee9b7427220cc6c212", "code": "requestValidateError", "context": [ { "instancePath": "", "schemaPath": "#/required", "keyword": "required", "params": { "missingProperty": "cFiCheckId" }, "message": "must have required property 'cFiCheckId'" } ] } |