This endpoint manages text messages sent between the current user and ampliFi support.
Message Object
The ampliFi API represents messages by a JSON object. This table lists properties that are usually included in a message object.
Property | Description | Schema | Example Values |
AFiMessageId | ampliFi ID of the message | string | "qwemsgl8kguke0qpblvxpsgoghpabtgygccq" |
toAFiUserId | ID of the receiver (current user) or "AmpliFi Support" | string | "AmpliFi Support" |
fromAFiUserId | ID of the sender (current user) or "AmpliFi Support" | string | "qweaurl8kgtlv9pc" |
title | The message title, if applicable | string | null |
href | A relevant URL, if applicable | string | null |
category | The message category | string | null |
severity | The severity of the message | string | undefined |
extraData | Any additional properties that are relevant | object | undefined |
messagePriorityCode | The message priority code | number | undefined |
dtsCreated | Date/time message was created | dts | "2023-12-14T19:05:36.839Z" |
isDelivered | true if the message has been delivered | boolean | false |
isRead | true if the message has been read | boolean | false |
dedupCode | Unique code to avoid duplicates | string | "nfbnrnelfn" |