Request URL
POST /condor/financial/debit
This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /condor endpoints, it is recommended to use /ibis endpoints. Ibis endpoints support credit-card issuing, debit-card issuing, and vAccount issuing.
This endpoint is used to request a debit from a specified card. The card must have sufficient funds loaded onto it in order for the request to succeed. A card must have a positive balance and an "ACTIVE" status in order to be debited. If the set maximum allowed withdrawal amount is exceeded within a certain time interval, the request will throw an error, even if the card has sufficient funds available.
Request Body
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-connectFi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request
This example request body has only the required properties.
"cardId" : "crda_1EnrcK7QgBU2030pNCaygA", //card ID in connectFi
"amount": 250, //amount to be debited from the card, must be greater than 0
"currency": "USD" //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
This example request body contains all required properties, plus optional properties: "reference", "merchant" object, and "transactionType".
"cardId" : "crda_1dNEursRaiIY2Kz4WNzvcw", //card ID in connectFi
"amount": 15.62, //amount to be debited from the card, must be greater than 0
"currency": "USD", //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
"reference" : "externlCrdtId123", //external reference in your system
"merchant" : {
"mcc" : "5813", //Merchant Category Code
"mccName" : "Restaurant", //Name of Merchant Category Code
"mccGroup" : "F002-Restaurant-Eating and Drinking Places", //Merchant Category Code Group
"name" : "Fantastic Fancy Dining", //Name of merchant
"city" : "Chicago", //merchant city
"region" : "Mid-West", //merchant region
"countryCodeA3" : "USA" //merchant country code
"transactionType" : "DEBIT" //transaction type (even if a more specific type of debit is indicated here, the transaction_type property in the response will still be designated "DEBIT")
Successful Response Examples
200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, debit was successful (only required properties present)
"code": "0", //Success
"data": {
"transaction": {
"transaction_type": "DEBIT",
"amount": 250, //amount debited from the card, greater than 0
"currency_code": "USD", //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
"state": "COMPLETE", //internal status of transaction
"running_balance": 1209.72, //card balance after the current transaction
"international": false,
"transaction_datetime": "2022-10-17T15:14:23.641Z",
"additional_data": {
"fee_amount": 0
"id": "cс_2RQkugaT85ITUToNCaaepm", //transaction ID in connectFi
"cardId": "crda_1EnrcK7QgBU2030pNCaygA" //card ID in connectFi
200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, debit was successful (optional properties "reference", "merchant" object, and "transactionType" present)
"code": "0", //Success
"data": {
"transaction": {
"transaction_type": "DEBIT",
"amount": 15.62, //amount debited from the card, greater than 0
"currency_code": "USD", //currency code (represented by 3 characters)
"state": "COMPLETE", //internal status of transaction
"merchant": {
"mcc": 5813,
"mcc_name": "Restaurant",
"mcc_group": "F002-Restaurant-Eating and Drinking Places",
"merchant_name": "Fantastic Fancy Dining",
"merchant_city": "Chicago",
"merchant_region": "Mid-West",
"merchant_country": "USA"
"running_balance": 334.39, //card balance after the current transaction
"international": false,
"transaction_datetime": "2022-10-17T17:36:23.816Z",
"additional_data": {
"fee_amount": 0
"id": "cс_1BML3aTIevV7fDbzGABtrm", //transaction ID in connectFi
"cardId": "crda_1dNEursRaiIY2Kz4WNzvcw" //card ID in connectFi
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Transaction denied due to maximum cash withdrawal amount in given interval
In this example, the maximum amount of combined debit transactions was exceeded within a specified interval.
"code": "extCondor",
"subCode": "T0002",
"context": {
"title": "cardsDebitTransaction"
"message": "Manual Signature Based Cash Withdrawal Decline (Transaction Denied, due to Maximum Cash Withdrawal Amount in Given Interval (1000))"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Transaction denied due to maximum cash withdrawal amount within last 1 day
In this example, a debit amount of 9000000000 was requested.
"code": "extCondor",
"subCode": "T0002",
"context": {
"title": "cardsDebitTransaction"
"message": "Manual Signature Based Cash Withdrawal Decline (Transaction Denied, due to Maximum Cash Withdrawal Amount (1000000) within last 1 Day / specific limits on {Service Id[MNL_CSH_SIG]})"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Insufficient funds
In this example, the attempted debit exceeded the funds balance available.
"code": "extCondor",
"subCode": "T0002",
"context": {
"title": "cardsDebitTransaction"
"message": "Manual Signature Based Cash Withdrawal Decline (Insufficient Funds [1529.72])"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Debit amount must be greater than 0
In this example, a debit amount of 0 was requested.
"code": "requestValidateError",
"context": [
"instancePath": "/amount",
"schemaPath": "financial#/definitions/amount/exclusiveMinimum",
"keyword": "exclusiveMinimum",
"params": {
"comparison": ">",
"limit": 0
"message": "must be > 0"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Pre-Active Card
In this example, a debit transaction was attempted on a card that has not yet been activated.
"code": "extCondor",
"subCode": "C1016",
"context": {
"title": "cardsDebitTransaction"
"message": "Manual Signature Based Cash Withdrawal Decline (Pre-Active Card)"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Blocked Card
In this example, a debit transaction was attempted on a card that has been blocked and is currently inactive. If a card has been blocked, you must make a request to the /condor/card/change-status endpoint to change the card status to "ACTIVE" before attempting a debit transaction from the card.