TheM.onboarding Reference
The parent TheM class contains functionality enabling the initialization of any TheM subclass or submodule instance by simply calling TheM.doInit('subclassName'), where the input string is a case sensitive space-delimited string containing the names of all submodules that may be required in the current session. Most TheM subclasses also require the 'common' submodule. It is common to initialize the target submodule and any other submodule dependencies concurrently. The following example will initialize a new instance of the necessary submodules using a proxy constructor in TheM parent class.
Property table for TheM.onboarding
Property | Description | Required | Schema |
socket | Gets (returns) the current socket connection instance, if any. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.socket", "type": "object", "description": "Gets (returns) the current socket connection instance, if any.", "$comment": "getter", "examples": [], "nullable": true } |
isReady | Gets (returns) or sets true if TheM.onboarding is fully ready. When setting isReady true for the first time, a(n) 'TheM.onboarding ready' event is also triggered. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.isReady", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets true if TheM.onboarding is fully ready. When setting isReady true for the first time, a(n) 'TheM.onboarding ready' event is also triggered.", "$comment": "getter setter", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false, "nullable": false } |
preSegment | Gets (returns) or sets the presegment. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.preSegment", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the presegment.", "$comment": "enumerable getter setter", "examples": [ "demo_uoiuqwehflkipahgoqq" ], "nullable": false } |
client | Gets (returns) the TheM.onboarding.client object. | Yes | client object |
isDocumentCaptured | Gets (returns) true if a document has been captured. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.isDocumentCaptured", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if a document has been captured.", "$comment": "enumerable getter", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
isDocumentDelivered | Gets (returns) true if a document has been delivered to the server. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.isDocumentDelivered", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if a document has been delivered to the server.", "$comment": "enumerable getter", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
isProspectDataDelivered | Gets (returns) true if the prospect (client) data has been delivered to the server. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.isProspectDataDelivered", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if the prospect (client) data has been delivered to the server.", "$comment": "enumerable getter", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
isTCSeen | Gets (returns) true if the prospect (client) has seen the terms and conditions. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.isTCSeen", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if the prospect (client) has seen the terms and conditions.", "$comment": "enumerable getter setter", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
isRecoveryMode | Gets (returns) true if onboarding is in recovery mode. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.isRecoveryMode", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if onboarding is in recovery mode.", "$comment": "enumerable getter setter", "examples": [ true, false, null ] } |
isBeingUpgraded | Gets (returns) true if being upgraded. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.isBeingUpgraded", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if being upgraded.", "$comment": "enumerable getter setter", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
_isBeingRegistered | Gets (returns) true if prospect (client) is currently being registered. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding._isBeingRegistered", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if prospect (client) is currently being registered.", "$comment": "enumerable getter", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
imageQueue | Gets (returns) the imageQueue object. Use TheM.onboarding.imageQueue.push({type, imageBase64}) to push images onto the queue for sending to the server. | No | imageQueue object |
recoveryCode | Gets (returns) a random recovery code for the device. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.recoveryCode", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) a random recovery code for the device.", "$comment": "enumerable getter", "examples": [ "qwert12345" ] } |
Property table for imageQueue object
Property | Description | Required | Schema |
isSendingDone | Gets (returns) true if the image is done sending to the server. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.imageQueue.isSendingDone", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) true if the image is done sending to the server.", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
length | Gets (returns) the length of the onboarding.imageQueue array. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.imageQueue.length", "type": "number", "description": "Gets (returns) the length of the onboarding.imageQueue array.", "examples": [ 1 ], "default": 0, "nullable": false } |
push | Gets (returns) a function that can be used to push images onto the imageQueue image array. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.imageQueue.push", "type": "function", "description": "Gets (returns) a function that can be used to push images onto the imageQueue image array.", "examples": [ "TheM.onboarding.imageQueue.push({ type: 'Face image', imageBase64: 'LongBase64ImageString' });" ] } |
Property table for client object
Property | Description | Required | Schema |
Gets (returns) or sets the client email. | Yes | { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client email.", "examples": [ "testemail@email.test" ], "nullable": false } |
mobile | Gets (returns) or sets the client mobile. | Yes | { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client mobile.", "examples": [ "5556667777" ], "nullable": false } |
isIntroSeen | Gets (returns) or sets true if the client has seen the intro screen. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.isIntroSeen", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets true if the client has seen the intro screen.", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
isTCSeen | Gets (returns) or sets true if the client has seen the terms and conditions. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.isTCSeen", "type": "boolean", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets true if the client has seen the terms and conditions.", "examples": [ true, false ], "default": false } |
name | name | Yes | { "firstName": { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client firstName.", "examples": [ "Suzy" ], "nullable": false }, "middleName": { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client middleName.", "examples": [ "Queue" ] }, "lastName": { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client lastName.", "examples": [ "Tester" ], "nullable": false }, "nullable": false } |
dob | dob | Yes | { "day": { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client date of birth day.", "examples": [ "01" ], "nullable": false }, "month": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.dob.month", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client date of birth month.", "examples": [ "15" ], "nullable": false }, "year": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.dob.year", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client date of birth year.", "examples": [ "1975" ], "nullable": false }, "nullable": false } |
address | address | Yes | { "addressLine1": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.address.addressLine1" , "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client addressLine1.", "examples": [ "123 Main Str." ], "nullable": false }, "addressLine2": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.address.addressLine2" , "type": "string", "nullable": true, "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client addressLine2.", "examples": [ "Apt. 123" ] }, "city": { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client city.", "examples": [ "Harrisburg" ], "nullable": false }, "state": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.address.state", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client state.", "examples": [ "PA" ], "nullable": false }, "postalCode": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.address.postalCode", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client postalCode.", "examples": [ "12345" ], "nullable": false }, "countryCode": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.address.countryCode", "type": "string", "examples": [ "USA" ], "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client countryCode.", "default": "US", "nullable": false }, "nullable": false } |
extra | extra | No | { "sex": { "title": "", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client sex.", "examples": [ "female" ] }, "eyeColor": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.extra.eyeColor", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client eyeColor.", "examples": [ "BRO" ] }, "hairColor": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.extra.hairColor", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client hairColor.", "examples": [ "BLK" ] }, "heightMetric": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.extra.heightMetric", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client height in metric units (cm).", "examples": [ "181" ] }, "weightMetric": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.extra.weightMetric", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client weight in metric units (kg).", "examples": [ "85" ] } } |
ssn | Gets (returns) or sets the client ssn. | Yes | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.ssn", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client ssn.", "examples": [ "123456789" ], "default": "", "nullable": false } |
document | document | Yes | { "type": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.document.type", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client document type.", "examples": [ "US driving license" ], "default": false }, "number": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.document.number", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client document number (DL number, SSN number, etc.).", "examples": [ "99999999" ], "default": false }, "issued": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.document.issued", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client document issue date.", "examples": [ "10052019" ] }, "expires": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.document.expires", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client document expiration date.", "examples": [ "08042029" ], "default": false }, "issuingState": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.document.issuingState ", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the issuing state of the client document.", "examples": [ "PA" ] }, "raw": { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.document.raw", "type": "object", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client raw document data.", "examples": [ {} ] }, "nullable": false } |
languageCode | Gets (returns) or sets the client languageCode. | No | { "title": "TheM.onboarding.client.languageCode", "type": "string", "description": "Gets (returns) or sets the client languageCode.", "examples": [ "en" ], "default": "en" } |
Method Name | Parameter Descriptions | Description | Example |
doSave | [] |
Saves onboarding data in local storage. Normally, there is no need to use this method as the framework knows automatically when to save and when to load the data to and from local storage. Returns true. | TheM.onboarding.doSave(); |
doLoad | [] |
Loads onboarding data from local storage and returns a boolean value to indicate success. On success, a(n) 'modelBank onboarding ready' event will occur.Normally, there is no need to use this method as the framework knows automatically when to save and when to load the data to and from local storage. | TheM.onboarding.doLoad(); |
doConnectSocket | [] |
Opens a socket connection, enabling bidirectional, event-based communication. | TheM.onboarding.doConnectSocket(); |
doSetClient | [ |
Sets the given presegment and creates a blank TheM.onboarding.client object according to the given presegment. Returns the given presegment string. | TheM.onboarding.doSetClient("demo_uoiuqwehflkipahgoqq"); |
doSendData | [] |
Sends the prospect onboarding data to the server. Returns true. | TheM.onboarding.doSendData(); |
doSendDataGeneric | [ |
Sends a generic prospect request of a specified type, such as adult account recovery , adult account recovery confirm , adult2 signup , etc. The properties of the given object are dependent on the generic request type. The optional target property is an object in which the results of the generic request can be stored. Returns true. |
TheM.onboarding.doSendDataGeneric({, {}); |
doRegister | [ |
Creates an AFiUserId on the server end, creates and stores (in local storage) a server secret for device log in, and is the last step in the process of converting an idle user/prospect into an ampliFi user. Returns a boolean indicating success (true) or failure (false). | TheM.onboarding.doRegister({); |