Add Attributes
Request URL
POST /customer/kyc/add-attributes
This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /customer/kyc and /document endpoints, we recommend the use of the /akepa endpoints for KYC/KYB verification and document upload.
This endpoint can be used if additional attributes were requested in the previous step.
Required Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
customerId | Customer ID in connectFi | string | "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8" |
Optional Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
additionalAttributes | An object containing optional cardAttributes (if the customer intends to open a card) | object | { cardAttributes: {//see cardAttributes Object below}} |
cardAttributes Object
Required Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
productID | Product ID of card which will specify what type of debit card is being issued (this could be a physical debit card or a virtual debit card.) The productID (also referred to as program_id) will be specific to your products that are offered through this endpoint. | string | "Virtual_Debit_Card" |
nameOnCard | Full customer name that will appear on the card | string | "JESSIE U TESTMAN" |
designId | An ID representing the design chosen for the card | string | "1" |
addressType | Type of address | string | "PRIMARY" or "SECONDARY" |
issueType | Description identifying issue category of card | string | "NEW", "REGISTRATION", "RE-ISSUE", "EXPIRED", or "DAMAGED" |
additionalData | An object containing any additional properties that should be included | object | { //additional properties } |
Request Body
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-connectfi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request
"customerId": "csta-6TqoA6HtSItCANO1KT0W7u", //customer ID in connectFi
"additionalAttributes": {
"cardAttributes": {
"productID": "AWSM_API_Evolve_Test",
"nameOnCard": "JOHN TESTMAN",
"designId": "1",
"addressType": "PRIMARY",
"issueType": "NEW",
"additionalData": {
"designId": "1"
Successful Response Example
200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, additional attributes have been added
"code": "0", //Success
"data": {
"customer": {
"reference": "22223", //unique external reference in your system
"customerId": "csta-6TqoA6HtSItCANO1KT0W7u", //customer ID in connectFi
"customerType": "individual",
"customer": { //customer object
"kycStatus": "WAITING_DATA",
"boises": [],
"dtsCreatedAt": "2022-10-07T17:18:56.424Z"
"kyc": {
"attributeCodes": [
"system": "condor",
"mode": "licenseUSACondor",
"status": "WAITING_DATA"
"kycDocumentList": [ //a list of expected documents that the process is waiting on
"id": "doc-2WQXvO8xWi4lVgwbWVjo0w",
"label": "LICENSE FRONT",
"type": "LICENSE",
"documentSide": "FRONT",
"uploadStatus": false
"id": "doc-2WQXvPNAoAdQeG47y3f1jy",
"label": "LICENSE BACK",
"type": "LICENSE",
"documentSide": "BACK",
"uploadStatus": false
"kycAttributes" : { //confirmation that attributes were accepted
"cardAttributes": {
"productID": "AWSM_API_Evolve_Test",
"nameOnCard": "JOHN TESTMAN",
"designId": "1",
"addressType": "PRIMARY",
"issueType": "NEW",
"additionalData": {
"designId": "1"
"requestId": "5df80330b85111ed94b4966a132cde12"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Incorrect input data
If the "additionalAttributes" field is missing, an exception will be thrown.
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Incorrect input data
If any required fields are missing, connectFi will indicate the missing fields.
"requestId": "25e0ec40b85211ed94b4966a132cde12",
"code": "requestValidateError", //data validation error
"context": [ //may contain several items each mentioning a field missing
"instancePath": "",
"schemaPath": "#/required",
"keyword": "required",
"params": {
"missingProperty": "customerId"
"message": "must have required property 'customerId'"
400 (HTTP response status code) -- KYC status is not "WAITING DATA"
In this example, a request to add additional attributes was made for a customer who already has an "APPROVED" KYC status, resulting in an error.