Add Card
Request URL
POST /condor/card/add
This endpoint is deprecated. Instead of using /condor endpoints, it is recommended to use /ibis endpoints. Ibis endpoints support credit-card issuing, debit-card issuing, and vAccount issuing.
This request will add a secondary debit card and checking account to the customer specified in the request. Multiple debit cards/checking accounts can be added to a single customer.
Required properties in the request body are: "customerId" and the "cardAttributes" object. The "cardAttributes" object property must contain these properties: "productID", "nameOnCard", "designId", "addressType", and "issueType". An optional "additionalData" object property may also be present in the "cardAttributes" object.
Required Properties | Description | Schema | Example Values |
customerId | Customer ID in connectFi | String | "csta_6clNH3W2pBehujY8mpTCU8" |
cardAttributes | Attributes of the card that will be assigned to the customer | Object | (See cardAttributes Object in Create a Debit Card and Checking Account) |
Request Body
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-connectfi-token": "a long random string" //Authorization token received from /auth/get-token request
"customerId" : "csta_MlNTVaPPqdvvl1swwSGbC", //customer ID in connectFi
"cardAttributes": {
"productID": "Virtual_Debit_Card",
"nameOnCard": "JESSIE U TESTMAN 2",
"designId": "1",
"addressType": "PRIMARY",
"issueType": "NEW",
"additionalData": {
"designId": "1"
200 (HTTP response status code) -- Success, new secondary debit card and checking account was added to connectFi customer
"code": "0", //Success
"data": {
"last_four": "####", //last 4 digits on the card, #### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"status": "NEW",
"program_id": "Virtual_Debit_Card",
"name_on_card": "JESSIE U TESTMAN 2",
"available_balance": 0, //money has not yet been loaded onto the card so available balance is 0
"currency_code": "USD",
"additional_data": {
"account_number": "##############", //customer checking account number corresponding to the new card, ############## is used as a placeholder for documentation purposes
"issue_date": "2022-10-25T18:08:32.985266Z", //date the card was issued
"design_id": "1",
"designId": "1",
"card_expiration": "102025", //card expiration date MMYYYY
"processor_token": "369029826861",
"routing_number": "#########" //a US ABA account routing number, ######### is used as a placeholder here for documentation purposes
"accountId": "acca_gV0FG6ZTxVvjxNMZDym2Q" //account ID in connectFi corresponding to the new card
"cardId": "crda_fO2N93TnJZvSmUgFFClUA" //card ID in connectFi
400 (HTTP response status code) -- Missing property in request
In the example below, the "productID" was not included in the "cardAttributes" object in the request body.