When integrating with our Payment Link services, the default behavior for customer payment link emails is for the email to be sent to the customer by our system. Emails delivered this way will have a sender value of info@paygears.com
. However, you may prefer for the customer emails to be sent via your own system. Upon request, we will configure your Payment Link services so that the contents of the customer email are sent to your preferred webhook URL instead of sending the email to the customer directly. You may then send the customer email through your own system. Note that receipt of webhooks may be affected by network outages on your end, our end, or in between. If you choose to receive customer payment link emails via webhook, then you will be responsible for ensuring that "Sent" payment links correspond to received webhooks and to handle instances in which an expected webhook was not received.
The customer email webhook will have JSON formatted contents similar to the example below.
to: ["customer.email@email.test"],
subject: "REMINDER: Invoice #123456 from Merchant Name",
html: "HTML contents of the email as a string",
data: {
invoiceNumber: "123456",
amount: 10.01,
currency: "USD",
dueDate: "2024-08-30", //Date only YYYY-MM-DD
description: "A bill",
fields: [
availablePaymentType: ["ach"],
cFiTransactionId: "7l7TrL0ZukBQR4H4W2fsvT",
cFiAggregatorId: "CLIENTID",
cFiMerchantId: "2Bc0QW0VYJe7VhTyXXEYNQ",
cFiMerchantRef: "123456",
payerName: "John Doe",
status: "Sent",
statusChangeHistory: [
//status change history objects
dtsCreatedAt: "2024-07-30T17:55:44.024Z",
dtsUpdatedAt: "2024-07-30T17:55:44.024Z",
dtsExpiredAt: "2024-08-29T17:56:45.189Z",
link: "3zjGoeyuHi1bPgCNgb2B1JERhfzLWU0SogPsgBG0nbb3d4RAHH2APVeyqldsOiH8C",
url: "google.com/payment/3zjGoeyuHi1bPgCNgb2B1JERhfzLWU0SogPsgBG0nbb3d4RAHH2APVeyqldsOiH8C"