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Change Log

Date Description
10/11/2024 Added PayLink walkthrough and supporting documents.
Example Walkthrough
08/09/2024 Added the optional batchId property to the /transfer-to/bills/initiate request properties. Updated the title of the /transfer-to/bills/billers/download request documentation to 'Download Billers'. Added the following new endpoints: /transfer-to/bills/export, /transfer-to/bills/biller/:billerId, and /transfer-to/bills/billers/list. Added errors examples for new Bill Payment endpoints.
Download Billers, Errors, Export Transactions, Get Biller, Initiate Transaction, List Billers
08/07/2024 Added PayLink Events and PayLink Reference sections.
PayLink Events, PayLink Reference
08/06/2024 Updated possible errors to add fileNotFound and invalidDateRange error
Common Errors

Updated /ibis/inquiry/transaction-history request to include required properties dateFrom and dateTo. Updated /ibis/card/get-auth-data request to require x-connectfi-token header.
Get Auth Data, Transaction History

Updated form-data type js snippets
Upload Document
08/05/2024 Added Payment Link section (including Payment Link Overview, Integration Guide, Webhooks, Possible Status Values, Errors, and the following endpoints: /payment-link/merchant/create, /payment-link/merchant/update, /payment-link/merchant/details, /payment-link/merchant/list, /payment-link/merchant/:cFiMerchantId/logo/upload, and /payment-link/merchant/logo/:logoId.
Overview, Integration Guide, Webhooks, Possible Status Values, Errors, Create Merchant, Update Merchant, Get Merchant Details, List Merchants, Upload Merchant Logo, Get Merchant Logo

Added Payment Link updates (including /payment-link/payment/list, /payment-link/payment/cancel, /payment-link/payment/set-status, /payment-link/merchant/invoice/list, /payment-link/merchant/invoice/file/:cFiInvoiceId, and /payment-link/merchant/get-token.
List Payments (PLClient), Export Payments (PLClient), Cancel Payment (PLClient), Set Payment Status, Get Invoice (PLClient), List Invoices (PLClient), Get Merchant Token

Added Payment Link updates (including /public/merchant/payment/create, /public/merchant/payment/update, /public/merchant/payment/details, /public/merchant/payment/send, /public/merchant/payment/cancel, /public/merchant/payment/list, /public/merchant/payment/export-list, /public/merchant/profile/details, /public/merchant/logo/upload, /public/merchant/logo/:logoId, /public/merchant/invoice/upload, /public/merchant/invoice/list, /public/merchant/invoice/file/:cFiInvoiceId, and /public/merchant/invoice/remove/:cFiInvoiceId.
Merchant Profile, Upload Logo, Get Logo (Merchant), Create Payment, Payment Details (Merchant), Update Payment, Cancel Payment (Merchant), List Payments (Merchant), Export Payments (Merchant), Upload Invoice, Get Invoice (Merchant), Remove Invoice, List Invoices (Merchant), Send Payment Link

Added Payment Link updates (including /public/customer/payment/link, /public/customer/payment/details, /public/customer/payment/invoice/list, /public/customer/payment/invoice/file/:cFiInvoiceId, /public/customer/payment/logo/:logoId, /public/customer/payment/ach-pay, /public/customer/plaid/create_link_token, /public/customer/plaid/exchange-public-token, /public/customer/plaid/get-accounts-balance, /public/customer/payment/card-pay)
Get Customer Token, Payment Details (Customer), Get Logo (Customer), Get Invoice (Customer), List Invoices (Customer), ACH Payment, Create Link Token, Exchange Token, Get Balance, Card Payment
07/16/2024 Added securityCode field to the clearCard object in /acquiring/register, /transfer-to/card/register, and /transfer-to/combo/card/register endpoint requests. Sensitive card details must either be encrypted in the card object or tokenized when using the clearCard object.
Register Card, Encrypting Card Data, Register Card, Encrypting Card Data, Register Card

The Settled status was added to possible status values for ACH transactions.
Possible Status Values
07/02/2024 Added Tokenization section and detailed diagrams of how tokenization is utilized in card issuing and push-to/pull-from card services.
06/14/2024 Added ibis/card/get-auth-data errors examples

Updated CARDS section and dependencies - Collaborative Authorization webhook now has cardholderBillingAmount property in the transaction object.
Sandbox Endpoint
06/05/2024 Added webhook examples for RPPS Bill Payment for statuses Sent, Complete, Settled, Declined, and Cancelled.
06/03/2024 Removed cardHolderType/accountHolderType from card/account issuing schemas, as well as reissuing and syncing card profile schemas.
Add Credit Card, Add Debit Card, Add vAccount, Reissue Card, Sync Card Profile

Updated Card Issuing documentation - Added Get Auth Data endpoint
Get Auth Data
05/21/2024 Updated /ibis/card/reissue examples to demonstrate that customerId is now a required field and that cardHolderId, cardHolderType, occupation, and nameOnCard are optional properties of the profile object. The cardHolderId and cardHolderType profile fields are only required for business customers
Errors, Reissue Card
05/15/2024 Added Collaborative Authorization Overview, Sandbox API Endpoint, Sandbox Tests, and Webhook explanation.
Sandbox API Endpoint, Sandbox Tests, Webhooks, Overview
04/26/2024 Added new /ibis/card/sync-profile endpoint. This endpoint can be used to sync the current customer profile details stored in connectFi to the relevant card profile at the card processor.
Sync Card Profile

Updated /ibis/card/reissue endpoint and add card/account endpoints. When reissuing existing cards or adding new cards, the profile information stored in connectFi will be used to determine the card holder profile. Potential additional error response codes for these endpoints include ibisCardHolderIdMismatch, ibisCardholderNotFound, and customerNotFound. When reissuing a card, customerId is now required and profile is now optional.
Add Credit Card, Add Debit Card, Add vAccount, Credit Application, Errors, Reissue Card
04/18/2024 Unified Payments memo length was updated to a max of 35 characters.
Send Payment

Added Overview for connectFi USER section. Once production instance access has been granted, we recommend for you to log in and update the user password that was configured for you to a secure password of your choosing before any further requests are made.
04/17/2024 Added /transfer-to/bills/cancel endpoint for RPPS bill payment. This endpoint allows the transaction to be cancelled by the client prior to sending.
Cancel Transaction, Errors, Possible Status Values
04/11/2024 Updated WIRES Memos to reflect a max 35 characters per line (optional Lines of 35 characters each).
Send a Wire
04/09/2024 Added Sandbox Tests documentation for wires. The Sandbox Tests section describes various trigger values that can be used when testing wires in the sandbox.
Sandbox Tests
04/08/2024 Updated workflow images, as well as the bill payment process image. These diagrams reflect a visual representation of the workflows for each service.
Example Walkthrough - Acquiring, Example Walkthrough - Business Card Issuing, Example Walkthrough - Individual Card Issuing, Example Walkthrough - Business KYB Process, Example Walkthrough - Individual KYC Process, Example Walkthrough - ACH, Example Walkthrough - Bill Payment, Overview of Bill Payment, Example Walkthrough - Check Printing, Example Walkthrough - Push To/Pull From Cards, Example Walkthrough - Unified Payments, Example Walkthrough - Wire

Added description of common webhook information, server signatures, how to check server signatures, and updated the public keys to include the public keys for webhook signature.
Public Encryption Keys, Webhooks
03/19/2024 Added card issuing walkthrough for a business customer. This includes a visual diagram of the potential workflow, as well as an example code walkthrough in javascript as a getting started tool.
Example Walkthrough - Business KYB

Added walkthroughs for acquiring, push_pull, unified_payments, and individual card issuing (/ibis). These include visual diagrams of the potential workflows, as well as example code walkthroughs in javascript as a getting started tool.
Example Walkthrough - Acquiring, Example Walkthrough - Individual KYC, Example Walkthrough - Check Printing, Example Walkthrough - Push To/Pull From Card, Example Walkthrough - Unified Payments
03/18/2024 Added bill payment and check printing walkthroughs. This includes a visual diagram of the potential workflow for each, as well as an example code walkthrough in javascript as a getting started tool.
Example Walkthrough, Example Walkthrough
03/14/2024 Added the Card Issuing (/ibis) section. These endpoints used to manage debit cards, credit cards, and vAccounts associated with existing connectFi customers.
Activate Card, Add vAccount, Add Credit Card, Add Debit Card, Card2Card Transaction, Cardholder Profile, Check PIN, Credit Application, Credit Transaction, Debit Transaction, Errors, Get Application, List Cards/Accounts, Reissue Card, Retrieve Transaction, Reverse-Transaction, Set PIN, Set Status, Status, Transaction History

Added KYC/KYB - The Know Your Customer (KYC) or Know Your Business (KYB) service is a process in which various databases are referenced in order to verify a customer's identity.
Errors, Generate Document, Identification, List Applications, Possible Status Values, Status, Update, Upload Document, Webhooks
03/13/2024 Added the customer section. A customer represents an individual or business (organization) end user. A customer entity is required in order to perform KYC/KYB, as well as for card and/or vAccount issuing.
Add Employee, Create Customer, Disable Employee, Errors, Get Customer, Update Customer, Example Walkthrough - Business KYB, Example Walkthrough - Individual KYC, Overview - KYC/KYB

Added the acquiring section. To accommodate traditional Point of Sale (POS) or eCommerce card purchases, our acquiring card services allow funds to be pulled from an external card into your settlement account.
Errors, List Transactions, Possible Status Values, Pull From Card, Query Transactions, Register Card, Reversal Status Values, Reverse Transaction, Encrypting Card Data, Example Walkthrough, Overview

Added Change-User-Password (change the password of the currently logged in aggregator user) and Get-Access-Token (obtain an authentication token from the server).
Change User Password, Get Access Token

Added the unified payments section. This service allows ACH transfers, wire transfers, and push/pull to card transactions, all from a single, unified API endpoint.
Errors, Possible Status Values, Query Transaction, Register Card, Send Payment, Webhooks, Example Walkthrough, Overview

Added the push to/pull from card section. This service pulls money from or pushes money to an external card (a card that was not issued through the connectFi API).
Errors, Get Card, List Transactions, Possible Status Values, Pull From Card, Push To Card, Query Transactions, Register Card, Reversal Status Values, Reverse Transaction, Encrypting Card Data, Example Walkthrough, Overview

Updated the check-printing section. This service offers paper check printing services and management.
Errors, Get Check, List Checks, Possible Status Values, Print Check, Query Check, Void Check, Webhooks, Example Walkthrough, Overview
03/12/2024 Updated Bill Payment section. This service offers bill payments via MasterCard Remote Payment and Presentment Service (RPPS).
Errors, Execute Transaction, Initiate Transaction, List Transactions, List of Billers, Possible Status Values, Query Transaction, Settlement Summary, Webhooks, Bill Payment UAT, Encrypting Account Data, Example Walkthrough, Overview

Updated the ACH section. An ACH (Automated Clearing House) payment is an electronic exchange of funds between accounts at different banks through the ACH network
Errors, List Transactions, Possible Status Values, Query Transactions, Return Rates, Create Payment, Webhooks, Example Walkthrough, Overview, SFTP File Uploads

Updated wires section. Quickly transfer funds from your settlement account to a specified account at another U.S. bank through wire transfers.
Errors, List Wires, Possible Status Values, Query Wires, Retract Wire, Send a Wire, Webhooks, Example Walkthrough, Overview
02/15/2024 Added ACH SFTP File Uploads section. ACH payment requests received through SFTP file transfers are validated, formatted in accordance with NACHA guidelines, and delivered electronically in NACHA formatted batch files to the ODFI (Originating Depository Financial Institution) via SFTP.
SFTP File Uploads